PROGRAMME: Archaeological investigations (2004-2008)
Original Title
Arheološke raziskave (2004–2008)
Project Team
Maja Andrič, PhD, Dragan Božič, PhD, Janez Dular, PhD, Lucija Grahek, PhD, Jana Horvat, PhD, , Ivan Marija Hrovatin, dr. Tina Milavec, Breda Pavčič Justin, Marjeta Šašel Kos, PhD, Tjaša Tolar, PhD, Tjaša Tolar, PhD, Borut Toškan, PhD, , dr. Ivan Turk, Anton Velušček, PhD, , dr. Julijana Visočnik, dr. Tina Žerjal-
Project ID
1 January 2004–3 December 2008 -
Project Leader
The main focus of the program is oriented towards basic research, to acquiring new knowledge about the development of man and society in the earliest periods of Slovenian history. As the program is multi-layered, an important segment is represented by the creation and examination of new methods of research, the analysis of data bases and documentation systems, as well as gaining new knowledge about the settlement structures, social processes, and the economy and lifestyle of the populations that dwelled from prehistory to the early Middle Ages in the southeastern Alpine region.
The program incorporates the following contexts:
- Prehistory
- Roman Period
- Early Middle Ages
- Ancient history and epigraphy
Marjeta Šašel Kos, Appian and Illyricum. (Situla 43), Ljubljana 2005.
Janez Dular, Sneža Tecco Hvala, South-eastern Slovenia in ihe Early Iron Age. Settlement – Economy – Society / Jugovzhodna Slovenija v starejši železni dobi. Poselitev – gospodarstvo – družba. – Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 12, 2007.
Ivan Turk (ed), Divje babe I. Paleolitsko najdišče mlajšega pleistocena v Sloveniji. I. del: Geologija in paleontologija / Divje babe I. Upper Pleistocene Palaeolithic site in Slovenia. Part I: Geology and Palaeontology. – Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 13, 2007.
Dragan Božič, Late La Tène-Roman cemetery in Novo mesto Ljubljanska cesta and Okrajno glavarstvo. Studies on fibulae and on the relative chronology of the Late La Tene period / Poznolatensko-rimsko grobišče v Novem mestu. Ljubljanska cesta in Okrajno glavarstvo. Študije o fibulah in o relativni kronologiji pozne latenske dobe – Katalogi in monografije 39, 2008.
Anton Velušček (ed.), Koliščarska naselbina Stare gmajne in njen čas. Ljubljansko barje v 2. polovici 4. tisočletja pr. Kr. / Stare gmajne pile-dwelling settlement and its era. The Ljubljansko barje in the 2nd half of the 4th millennium BC. – Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 13, 2009.