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Marjeta Šašel Kos, PhD

/Former member/

Education and Qualifications

  • M. Sc. in archaeology 1980, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • Ph. D. in classical philology 1989, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Education abroad

Post-graduate student at the British School at Athens 1974-1976.

Research interests

Greek and Roman Literary Sources for the western Balkans and southeastern Alpine area
Roman Inscriptions of Slovenia (Celeia, Emona)

Research programme

  • Roman inscriptions of Slovenia
  • Greek and Roman literary sources: Strabo and the western Balkans
  • Roman History of the present-day Slovenian territory


  • member of the Editorial Committee of the Arheološki vestnik (2003−2022)
  • member of the Editorial Committee of Keria.
  • member of the Editorial Committee of Aquileia Nostra.

Other activities

Member of the Association Internationale d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine.


  • V srcu rimskega imperija. Zgodovina slovenskega prostora v antiki do vlade Maksimina Tračana (Zbirka Zgodovinskega časopisa 51), Ljubljana 2020.
  • Appian and Illyricum (Situla 43), Ljubljana 2005.
  • Pre-Roman Divinities of the Eastern Alps and Adriatic (Situla 38), Ljubljana 1999.
  • The Roman Inscriptions in the National Museum of Slovenia / Lapidarij Narodnega muzeja Slovenije (Situla 35), Ljubljana 1997.
  • Inscriptiones Latinae in Graecia repertae. Additamenta ad CIL III (Epigrafia e antichità 5), Bologna 1979.
  • A Historical Outline of the Region between Aquileia, the Adriatic, and Sirmium in Cassius Dio and Herodian / Zgodovinska pdoba prostora med Akvilejo, Jadranom in Sirmijem pri Kasiju Dionu in Herodijanu, Ljubljana 1986.

Selected articles (pdf):


  • TURK, Matija, VELUŠČEK, Anton, PAVLIN, Primož, TECCO HVALA, Sneža, GRAHEK, Lucija, HORVAT, Jana, ŠAŠEL KOS, Marjeta, MODRIJAN, Zvezdana, PLETERSKI, Andrej. The history of Slovenia : archaeological evidence from prehistory to the Slavs. − In: PERKO, Drago, CIGLIČ, Rok, ZORN, Matija (eds.). The geography of Slovenia : small but diverse. Cham: Springer Nature, cop. 2020, 27−141. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-14066-3_8)
  • ŠAŠEL KOS, Marjeta. Quand lʼarchéologie crée lʼhistoire. − In: et al. Un pays au carrefour : histoire de la Slovénie. Berlin [etc.]: P. Lang, 2020,15−35.
  • ŠAŠEL KOS, Marjeta. LʼEmpire romain : conquête et pax romana. − In: et al. Un pays au carrefour : histoire de la Slovénie. Berlin [etc.]: P. Lang, 2020, 36−57.









  • Peoples on the northern fringes of the Greek world: Illyria as seen by Strabo, L’Illyrie Méridionale et l’Épire Dans l’Antiquité 5, 2011; 617-629.
  • The Roman conquest of Dalmatia and Pannonia under Augustus - some of the latest research results. In: MOOSBAUER, Günther (ed.), WIEGELS, Rainer (ed.). Fines imperii-imperium sine fine? : römische Okkupations- und Grenzpolitik im frühen Principat : Beiträge zum Kongress "Fines imperii-imperium sine fine?" Osnabrück vom 14. bis 18. september 2009, (Osnabrücker Forschungen zu Altertum und Antike-Rezeption, Bd. 14)., 2011, 07-117






2004 and 2003

  • Mythological stories concerning Illyria and its name. In: Cabanes, Pierre (ed.), Lamboley, Jean-Luc (ed.). L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Épire dans l'Antiquité - IV : actes du IVe colloque international de Grenoble (10-12 octobre 2002), 2004, 493-504.
  • Emona was in Italy, not in Pannonia. – In: Šašel Kos, Marjeta (ed.), Scherrer, Peter (ed.), Kuntić-Makvić, Bruna (ed.), Borhy, László (ed.). The autonomous towns of Noricum and Pannonia, Pannonia, Situla 41, 2003, 11-19.



  • Belin, Studia Mythologica Slavica 4, 2001, 9-16.
  • The Roman inscriptions of Celeia commemorating emperors. In: ANGELI BERTINELLI, Maria Gabriella (ed.), DONATI, Angela (ed.). Varia epigraphica : atti del colloquio internazionale di epigrafia, Bertinoro, 8-10 giugno 2000, (Epigrafia e antichità, 17), 2001, 383–402.




A Latin Epitaph of a Roman Legionary from Corinth. The Journal of Roman Studies 78, 1978, 21-25.


Marjeta Šašel Kos on

PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2015−2021) (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
At the contact between the Alps and Mediterranean – continuity and turning points (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022)
Colonia Ulpia Traiana Poetovio - genesis and evolution of the town (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022)
AELAW - Ancient European languages and writings (April 14, 2015 - April 12, 2019)
Contact of civilisations (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2017)
EAGLE - Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (April 1, 2013 - March 30, 2016)
PROGRAMME: Archaeological investigations (2009-2014) (research programme • January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2014)
The role of Nauportus in the Romanization process in the Southeastern Alpine region (applied project • February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2011)
PROGRAMME: Archaeological investigations (2004-2008) (January 1, 2004 - December 3, 2008)