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PROGRAMME: Archaeological investigations (2009-2014)


The  programme “ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH” is concentrated on the basic research aiming to collect high quality data about the development of humans and society in the remote past periods in the south-eastern Alpine region.

The multileveled programme comprises an ample spectrum of fundamental topics from introducing and verifying new research methods, creating databases and documentation systems for collecting new comprehensions about settlement patterns, economy, social processes and the way of life of the people who settled the south-eastern Alpine region from the Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages.

The programme is composed of different topics as follows:

1. The archaeological portrait of the Slovenian landscapes between 5th and 2nd millennium BC
2. North-eastern Slovenia in the Late Bronze Age
3. South-eastern Alps in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC
4. The Romanisation processes on the territory of Slovenia
5. Roman inscriptions of Slovenia
6. Greek and Roman literary sources for the eastern Alpine area and the western Balkans
7. Roman History of the present-day Slovenian territory
8. Late Antique settlement of Slovenia and its placement in the settlement structure of the Roman Empire
9. Economic and social dynamics on the territory of Slovenia in the early Middle Ages
10. The environment in archaeological periods
– Archaeozoological research
– Palynological research


Research Programme