Andreja Dolenc Vičič
Senior Specialist Assistant
+386 1 47 06 396
Research interests
/Former member/
BA in archaeology 1984, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Work field:
- archive
- archaeological topography of Ptuj
- managing editor of Arheološki vestnik (2006−2022)
Selected publications
HORVAT, Jana, MUŠIČ, Branko, DOLENC VIČIČ, Andreja, RAGOLIČ, Anja, Arheološka najdišča Ptuja. Panorama / Archaeological sites of Ptuj. Panorama. − Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 41, 2020.
DOLENC VIČIČ, Andreja. Neobjavljena Winklerjeva in Abramićeva raziskovanja Petovione. Arheološki vestnik 57, 2006, 183-218.
HORVAT, Jana, DOLENC VIČIČ, Andreja. Arheološka najdišča Ptuja : Rabelčja vas = Archaeological sites of Ptuj : Rabelčja vas, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 20, 2010.
Selected projects
PROGRAMME: Archaeological investigations (2009-2014) (research programme • January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2014)
Colonia Ulpia Traiana Poetovio - genesis and evolution of the town (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022)
The role of Nauportus in the Romanization process in the Southeastern Alpine region (applied project • February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2011)
Colonia Ulpia Traiana Poetovio - genesis and evolution of the town (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022)
The role of Nauportus in the Romanization process in the Southeastern Alpine region (applied project • February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2011)