Research Associate, Assistant Professor
+386 1 47 06 456 (Ljubljana)
+386 1 320 73 65 (laboratorij Ig)
Education and Qualifications:
- B. Sc., Biology, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana, 2004
- Ph. D, Biology, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana, 2011
Education abroad
- 2006−2007: Integrative Prähistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie (IPNA) Universität Basel, CH-Basel
- 2014: Naktuinbouw and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands
Research interests
Tjaša Tolar is an archaeobotanist, she studies plant macroremains from archeological sites. Her main focus is on identifying charred remains of crops and harvested wild fruits/nuts, as well as charcoal. Rarely, but often archaeobotanical remains in Ljubljansko barje are preserved in a waterlogged state. They hold enormous research potential and enable the discovery of new, previously unknown knowledge about past vegetation, its changes over time, and the beginnings of agriculture. The pile-dwellings at Ljubljansko barje occupy a special place in archaeobotanical research in Slovenia. On the subject of piles and fossilized, waterlogged dog or human excrement (so-called coprolites) recently discovered at the Stare gmajne site. Which is more than 5,000 years old, the interdisciplinary bilateral research project J7-2598, headed by Tjaša Tolar, will be completed in 2024. Archaeobotany can be perfectly combined with other sciences such as palynology, archaeozoology, paleoecology, etc. It is also closely related to ethnobotany, as the discovered plant species and their "processed" remains in abandoned settlement layers undoubtedly testify to their utilitarian value. As ancient knowledge and attitudes towards plant active ingredients and uses are increasingly forgotten, archaeobotanical discoveries often reveal to us the already forgotten knowledge of our ancestors who lived closely with nature thousands of years ago. Since 2023, Tjaša Tolar has been mentoring a young biologist Taja Skrt Kristan, who will try to identify changes in weed vegetation on cereal and flax fields over time and possible agricultural practices that certain weed species indicate.
Main research topics
- Archaeobotany at pile-dwelling sites (Late Neolithic – Middle Bronze Age)
- Interdisciplinary investigation of waterlogged preserved coprolites
- Archaeobotany at other sites in Slovenia: the diet and environmental vegetation in the past
- The beginnings of crop domestication and spread of agriculture in Slo. (ArboDat database)
- Ecological approaches to crop domestication
- Weed ecology and the identification of crop husbandry practices in prehistory
- Ethnobotanical and experimental approaches to the investigation of plant uses
- Wood anatomy, charcoal analyses and dendrochronology
- The specific use of wood species and forest vegetation in prehistory
- Textile and fiber plants in the past
- Archaeological excavations in the Ljubljana city. Projects of the city of Ljubljana
- Archaeobotanical analyses at archaeological sites in Slovenia, excavated as part of the excavations of the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Slovenia. State projects
- 2011−: lectures to students of archeology at University of Ljubljana
- 2017−: mentoring of a graduate student of archeology. Title of the diploma paper: "Comparison of two different sampling methods in archaeobotany from the area of Roman cemetery at Gosposvetska Street in Ljubljana".
- 2020−: mentoring of master's student of archeology. Title of the master's thesis: "Traces of dietary habits in the Roman period on the example of archaeobotanical analyzes from two locations in the area of Emona: NUK II and Šumi".
- 2021: mentoring of a student from the University of Zadar; practical work in archaeobotany (Erasmus student exchange)
- 2021−: lectures to students of comparative linguistics at University of Ljubljana
- 2023−: lectures to students at Podiplomska šola ZRC SAZU
Awards and Recognitions
- Recognition of the Slovenian Archeology Society for the year 2017 for the scientific monograph Okoljska arheologija in paleoekologija. Palinologija, arheobotanika in arheozoologija (Environmental archaeology and palaeoecology. Palynology, archaeobotany and archaeozoology; only in Slovenian) (2016)
- An exceptional scientific achievement for the article: TOLAR, T., Velušček, A., ČUFAR, K. Arheobotanične raziskave na kolišču Stare gmajne, datiranem na osnovi raziskav lesa = Archaeobotanical investigations at the pile-dwelling site Stare gmajne, dated on the basis of wood investigations (2012).
- Ad-Futura scholarship (27th August 2007 to 27th December 2007)
- TOLAR, Tjaša, PODOBNIK, Tilen, GALIK, Alfred, CAF, Nina, LE BAILLY, Matthieu, ROSENBERG, Erwin, BUŽAN, Elena, ZVER, Lars. Le chien ou son maître? : recherche interdisciplinaire sur les coprolithes de lʼhabitat palafittique néolithique de Stare Gmajne en Slovénie ; The dog or its master? : further interdisciplinary research on coprolites from Site Stare Gmajne Eneollithic pile dwelling site in Slovenia. V: 44e rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire de Nice Côte d'Azur : fumier, bouses et guano = dung, manure and guano : ordures ou or brun ? : garbage or brown gold? : 15 – 17 octobre 2024 Auditorium du Parc Phoenix, Nice. Nice: CEPAM, Cultures et environnements, préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen-âge, 2024. Str. 40. [COBISS.SI-ID 213046019]
- TOLAR, Tjaša, MATIKA; Dolores, Archaeobotanical analysis of the judgement samples from research of Stare gmajne, an Eneolithic pile-dwelling site: mosses, vessel contents and the analysis of the wooden artefacts / Arheobotanična analiza po presoji odvzetih vzorcev z eneolitskega kolišča Stare gmajne: mah, polnila posod in leseni artefakti. − Arheološki vestnik 75, 2024, 411–440.
- KRAMBERGER, Bine, TOŠKAN, Borut, TOLAR, Tjaša, Dolsko – Spodnje Škovce and a new insight into the settlement, chronology, ceramic style(s), and subsistence strategies of the Late Neolithic Sava group in Slovenia. − Documenta Praehistorica. Poročilo o raziskovanju paleolitika, neolitika in eneolitika v Sloveniji. Neolitske študije= Neolithic studies 51, 2024, 1−45. DOI: 10.4312/dp.51.18<
- SVETLIČIČ, Vesna, TURK, Peter, TURK, Matija, PETRU, Simona, PREUSSER, Frank, TOLAR, Tjaša, HUDOURNIK, Pia, PAVLOVIČ, Daša, Kamna Gorica pri Ljubljani. − Zbirka Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije 114, 2024.
- TOLAR, Tjaša, MASON, Phil, KRAMBERGER, Bine, Prehistoric to Medieval woodland management and agriculture in the westernmost Carpathian Basin and the surrounding northern Dinaric Karst : a case study of archaeobotanical analyses from the multiperiod site at the Obrežje international border crossing. – V / In: FUERST-BJELIŠ, Borna et al. (ur. / eds.), Environmental histories of the Dinaric Karst, Environmental history 17, 2024, 51−80. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-56089-7_3
- PAVLOVIČ, Daša, MENART, Eva, BURJA, Jaka, ŠETINA, Barbara, ŠMIT, Žiga (avtor, fotograf), TOŠKAN, Borut, TOLAR, Tjaša, SVETLIČIČ, Vesna, HUDOURNIK, Pia, VERBIČ, Tomaž (avtor, fotograf). Pržanj pri Ljubljani. Elektronska izd. Ljubljana: Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, 2023. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (221 str.)), ilustr., zvd. Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije, 107. ISBN 978-961-7169-48-5., [COBISS.SI-ID 150352387]
- VOJAKOVIĆ, Petra, ŠINKOVEC, Ahac (avtor, ilustrator), HOFMAN, Barbara (avtor, ilustrator, fotograf), MAGAJNE, Nataša (avtor, ilustrator, fotograf), VIČIČ, Boris, GASPARI, Andrej, VERBIČ, Tomaž, TOŠKAN, Borut, TOLAR, Tjaša, ŠEMROV, Andrej. Zagorica. Spletna izd. Ljubljana: Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, 2023. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (259 str.)), ilustr., zvd. Zbirka Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije, 109. ISBN 978-961-7169-52-2., [COBISS.SI-ID 152101123]
- LEGHISSA, Elena, ANDRIČ, Maja, TOLAR, Tjaša, TOŠKAN, Borut, VELUŠČEK, Anton, Reviving the heritage of pile dwellings in the Ljubljansko barje: reconstruction of a pile-dwelling settlement from the 3rd millennium BC. – Museoeurope 8, Srečanja tisočletij / The convergence of millennia, Maribor, 333–343.
- VELUŠČEK, A., HORJAK ŠUŠTARŠIČ, M., TOLAR, T., TOŠKAN, B., MERELA, M., ČUFAR, K. 2023, Verd – novoodkrito kolišče iz 5. tisočletja pr. Kr. na Ljubljanskem barju /Verd – newly discovered pile-dwelling from the 5th millennium BC in Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia. − Les/Wood, 72(2), 18−36.
- Kramberger Bine, Lubšina Tušek Marija, Tolar Tjaša 2023, Naselbina iz poznega neolitika in zgodnje bakrene dobe v Stopercah (Haloze) / Late Neolithic and Early Copper Age settlement at Stoperce (Haloze, NE Slovenia). − Arheloški vestnik 74, 2023, 39-124; DOI:
- TOŠKAN, Borut, KOVAČ, Mateja, TOLAR, Tjaša 2022, Bioarheološke raziskave rimskodobnega grobišča Marof na Igu: antropologija, arheozoologija, arheobotanika / Bioarchaeological investigations of the Roman cemetery in Marof at Ig (Slovenia): anthropological, archaeozoological and archaeobotanical evidence. − Arheološki vestnik 73, 281−312;
- TOLAR, Tjaša, PAVLIN, Primož 2022, The earliest finds of millet and possible associated changes in material culture in Slovenia. − In: KIRLEIS, Wiebke (ed.), DAL CORSO, Marta (ed.), FILIPOVIĆ, Dragana (ed.). Millet and what else? : the wider context of the adoption of millet cultivation in Europe. Leiden, 107−126.
- LEGHISSA, Elena, ANDRIČ, Maja, TOLAR, Tjaša, TOŠKAN, Borut, VELUŠČEK, Anton, Obujena koliščarska dediščina na Ljubljanskem barju. – Arheo 39, Srečanja tisočletij / The convergence of millennia, Maribor, 203–207.
- TOLAR, Tjaša 2022, Rastlinski makro ostanki. − In: P. Turk, V. Svetličič, D. Pavlovič, Dragomelj, Zbirka Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije 106, 146−151
- TOLAR, Tjaša, GALIK, Alfred, LE BAILLY, Matthieu, DUFOUR, Benjamin, CAF, Nina, TOŠKAN, Borut, BUŽAN, Elena, ZVER, Lars, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc, VELUŠČEK, Anton 2021. Multi-proxy analysis of waterlogged preserved Late Neolithic canine excrements. − Vegetation history and archaeobotany 30, no. 3, 2021, 107−118. DOI: 10.1007/s00334-020-00805-y.
- TOLAR, Tjaša, VOVK, Irena, JUG, Urška 2021. The use of Cornus sanguinea L. (dogwood) fruits in the Late Neolithic. Vegetation history and archaeobotany. [Print ed.]. 2021, vol. 30, no. 3, str. 347-361, ilustr., zvd. ISSN 0939-6314. DOI: 10.1007/s00334-020-00788-w.
- FILIPOVIĆ, Dragana M., MEADOWS, John, DAL CORSO, Marta, KIRLEIS, Wiebke, ALSLEBEN, Almuth, AKERET, Örni, BITTMANN, Felix, BOSI, Giovanna, CIUTǍ, Beatrice, DRESLEROVÁ, Dagmar, EFFENBERGER, Henrike, GYULAI, Ferenc, HEISS, Andreas G., HELLMUND, Monika, JAHNS, Susanne, JAKOBITSCH, Thorsten, KAPCIA, Magda, KLOOSS, Stefanie, KOHLER-SCHNEIDER, Marianne, KROLL, Helmut, MAKAROWICZ, Przemysław, MARINOVA, Elena, MÄRKLE, Tanja, MEDOVIĆ, Aleksandar, MERCURI, Anna Maria, MUELLER-BIENIEK, Aldona, NISBET, Renato, PASHKEVICH, Galina, PEREGO, Renata, POKORNÝ, Petr, POSPIESZNY, Łukasz, PRZYBYŁA, Marcin S., REED, Kelly, RENNWANZ, Joanna, STIKA, Hans-Peter, STOBBE, Astrid, TOLAR, Tjaša, WASYLIKOWA, Krystyna, WIETHOLD, Julian, ZERL, Tanja 2020. New AMS 14C dates track the arrival and spread of broomcorn millet cultivation and agricultural change in prehistoric Europe. Scientific reports. 2020, vol. 10, art. no. 13698, str. 1-17. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-70495-z
- TOLAR Tjaša 2020, Arheobotanične analize. − In: T. Žerjal, M. Novšak, Školarice pri Spodnjih Škofijah, Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije 86, 2020, 243−248.
- Tolar Tjaša, Galik Alfred 2019, A Study of Dog Coprolite from Late Neolithic Pile-Dwelling Site in Slovenia. − Archaeological Discovery 7, 2019, 20−29.
- TOLAR Tjaša 2018, Ostanki prehranskih rastlin iz hiš 6 in 15A z Mosta na Soči / Edible plant remains from Houses 6 and 15A at Most na Soči. In: Janez Dular, Sneža Tecco Hvala (eds.), Železnodobno naselje Most na Soči. Razprave / The Iron Age settlement at Most na Soči. Treatises. Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 34, 2018, 445−452.
- Karina GRÖMER, Klara KOSTAJNŠEK, Tjaša TOLAR, Gojka PAJAGIČ BREGAR 2018, Tekstilna najdba iz železnodobne naselbine Most na Soči: konservacija, analiza, primerjava / Textile find from the Iron Age settlement at Most na Soči: conservation, analysis and comparisons. In: Janez Dular, Sneža Tecco Hvala (eds.), Železnodobno naselje Most na Soči. Razprave / The Iron Age settlement at Most na Soči. Treatises. Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 34, 2018, 453−465.
- VELUŠČEK Anton, PODPEČAN Blaž, TOLAR Tjaša, TOŠKAN Borut, TURK Janez, MARELA Maks, ČUFAR Katarina 2018, Črnelnik in Devce, novoodkriti najdišči iz bakrene dobe na Ljubljanskem barju / Črnelnik and Devce, Newly discovered Copper Age sites at Ljubljansko barje. − Arheološki vestnik 69, 2018, 9−68.
- TOLAR, Tjaša 2018, Primerjava različnih metod vzorčenja in priprave arheobotaničnih vzorcev z eneolitskih kolišč Strojanova voda in Maharski prekop na Ljubljanskem barju / Comparison of different sampling and treatment methods in order to reconstruct plant economies at the Eneolithic pile-dwellings of Strojanova voda and Maharski prekop at Ljubljansko barje. − Arheološki vestnik 69, 2018, 461−498.
- TOLAR, Tjaša, VREŠ, Branko 2017. Velika podvodnica (Najas marina) na Ljubljanskem barju že v četrtem tisočletju pred našim štetjem. Proteus : ilustriran časopis za poljudno prirodoznanstvo, ISSN 0033-1805, jun. 2017, letn. 79, št. 10, str. 470-472, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID 41905197]
- TOLAR, Tjaša 2017, Rastlinski makroostanki z grobišč na Molniku / Botanical macroremains from the cemeteries at Molnik. − In: Sneža Tecco Hvala, Molnik pri Ljubljani v železni dobi / The Iron Age site at Molnik near Ljubljana, Opera Instiruti Archaeologici Sloveniae 36, 2017, 205−210.
- GRÖMER, Karina, TOLAR, Tjaša, KOSTAJNŠEK, Klara 2017, Textile and fur remains in Grave 6, Tumulus 1, from Pleška hosta at Molnik / Ostanki tekstila in živalskih dlak (krzna) v grobu 6 gomile 1 v Pleški hosti na Molniku. − In: Sneža Tecco Hvala, Molnik pri Ljubljani v železni dobi / The Iron Age site at Molnik near Ljubljana, Opera Instiruti Archaeologici Sloveniae 36, 2017, 211−219.
- HORVAT Jana, PETERLE UDOVIČ Pavla, TOLAR Tjaša, TOŠKAN Borut 2016. Območje pristanišča v Navportu / The port area of Nauportus. − Arheološki vestnik 67, 2016, 177-258.
- TOLAR, Tjaša, VELUŠČEK, Anton 2016. Comparing different sampling methods in order to reconstruct plant economies at the Eneolithic lake dwelling site Stare gmajne, Slovenia. − Documenta Praehistorica 43, 2016, 413-420.
- ANDRIČ, Maja, TOLAR, Tjaša, TOŠKAN, Borut 2016. Okoljska arheologija in paleoekologija: palinologija, arheobotanika in arheozoologija. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2016. ISBN 978-961-254-872-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 283335936]
- TOLAR, Tjaša, JACOMET, Stefanie, VELUŠČEK, Anton 2016. Cereal chaff used as temper in loom-weights : new evidence from a Slovenian Eneolithic pile-dwelling site (ca. 3100 cal BC. Vegetation history and archaeobotany (2016) 25: 291–301.
- TOLAR, Tjaša 2015. Analiza rastlinskih makroostankov. − In: Grahek Lucija, Orehova vas, Zbirka SAAS 46, 2015, 341-345.
- TOLAR, Tjaša, JACOMET, Stefanie, VELUŠČEK, Anton, ČUFAR, Katarina 2011. Plant economy at a late Neolithic lake dwelling site in Slovenia at the time of the Alpine Iceman. – Veg. Hist. Archaeobot. 20/3, 2011, 207–222.
- ČUFAR, Katarina, KROMER, Bernd, TOLAR, Tjaša, VELUŠČEK, Anton 2010. Dating of 4th millennium BC pile–dwellings on Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia. – J. archaeol. sci. 37, 2010, 2031–2039.
- TOLAR, Tjaša, JACOMET, Stefanie, VELUŠČEK, Anton, ČUFAR, Katarina 2010. Recovery techniques for waterlogged archaeological sediments: a comparison of different treatment methods for samples from Neolithic lake shore settlements. – Veg. hist. Archaeobot. 19/1, 2010, 53–67.
PhD Thesis: Arheobotanične raziskave na najdiščih z Ljubljanskega barja (Archaeobotanical investigations at the sites of Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia) (pdf)
Bridging the GAP between Geological, Archaeological and Palynological studies (interdisciplinary project • January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2027)
Carnium and Carneola. The central settlement and its surroundings between antiquity and the Middle Ages (October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2026)
Poetovio - from legionary fortress to autonomous town (October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025)
Dog or its master ? The scientific study of human or canine coprolites from the prehistoric pile-dwelling site of Stare gmajne, Slovenia (November 1, 2020 - October 31, 2024)
Colapians – the Iron Age people along the river Kolpa (September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2023)
PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2015−2021) (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
PROGRAMME: Archaeological investigations (2009-2014) (research programme • January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2014)