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Snežana Tecco Hvala, PhD

Senior Research Associate

+386 1 47 06 393


/Former member/


  • BA in archaeology 1983, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • PhD in archaeology 2012, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Research interest

Early Iron Age in the South-Eastern Alps and the Northern Adriatic: material culture, settlement, burial rites, social structure

Research programme

The cultural phenomena and processes in the Early Iron Age on the territory of Slovenia and interregional connections
Archaeological Sites and Monuments Register ARKAS)

Recognitions and awards


DULAR, Janez, TECCO HVALA, Sneža (eds.). Železnodobno naselje Most na Soči. Razprave / The Iron Age Settlement at Most na Soči. Treatises, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 34, 2018.

TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Molnik pri Ljubljani v starejši železni dobi / The Iron Age site at Molnik near Ljubljana, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 36, 2017.

TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Magdalenska gora. Družbena struktura in grobni rituali železnodobne skupnosti = Social structure and burial rites of the Iron Age community, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 26, 2012.

DULAR, Janez, TECCO HVALA, Sneža. South-eastern Slovenia in the early Iron Age : settlement, economy, society = Jugovzhodna Slovenija v starejši železni dobi : poselitev, gospodarstvo, družba. − Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 12, 2007.

TECCO HVALA, Sneža, DULAR, Janez, KOCUVAN, Eva. Železnodobne gomile na Magdalenski gori = Eisenzeitliche Grabhügel auf der Magdalenska gora, Katalogi in monografije 36, 2004

DULAR, Janez, ŠAVEL, Irena, TECCO HVALA, Sneža, Bronastodobno naselje Oloris pri Dolnjem Lakošu = Bronzezeitliche Siedlung Oloris bei Dolnji Lakoš, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 5, 2005.


MLINAR Miha, TECCO HVALA Sneža. Poselitvena slika posoške/svetolucijske skupine: nova najdišča in spoznanja = Settlement in the Posočje/Sveta Lucija group: new sites and insights. – Arheološki vestnik 73, 2022, 397–469. DOI: 10.3986/AV.73.11 [COBISS.SI-ID 112934915]

TECCO HVALA Sneža, MUŠIČ Branko. Ali je imela naselbina na Mostu na Soči v železni dobi obzidje? – Goriški letnik 45, 2021, 29–52 [COBISS.SI-ID 92787715]

TECCO HVALA, Sneža, Gradišči na Sloki gori in Vinjem hribu nad Vinom na severozahodnem obrobju dolenjske halštatske skupnosti (Gradišče on Sloka gora and Vinji hrib above Vino on the north-western edge of the Dolenjska Hallstatt community). − Arheološki vestnik 72, 2021, 53-71.

TECCO HVALA, Sneža. The Early Iron Age central place at Most na Soči (NW Slovenia). − In: ZAMBONI, Lorenzo, FERNÁNDEZ-GÖTZ, Manuel, METZNER-NEBELSICK, Carola (eds.). Crossing the Alps : early urbanism between Northern Italy and Central Europe (900-400 BC). Leiden: Sidestone Press, cop. 2020, 377−391.

TURK, Matija, VELUŠČEK, Anton, PAVLIN, Primož, TECCO HVALA, Sneža, GRAHEK, Lucija, HORVAT, Jana, ŠAŠEL KOS, Marjeta, MODRIJAN, Zvezdana, PLETERSKI, Andrej. The history of Slovenia : archaeological evidence from prehistory to the Slavs. − In: PERKO, Drago, CIGLIČ, Rok, ZORN, Matija (eds.). The geography of Slovenia : small but diverse. Cham: Springer Nature, cop. 2020, 27−141. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-14066-3_8)

PAVLIN Primož, TECCO HVALA Sneža, BIZJAK Janez (dodatek / appendix: ŠMIT Žiga), Depo iz starejše kulture žarnih grobišč v Trbovljah in rečna pot po Savi / A hoard of the Early Urnfield Culture from Trbovlje and the river route along the Sava. − Arheološki vestnik 70, 2019, 9–330.

TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Lončene situle iz starejše železne dobe na območju Slovenije (Early Iron Age ceramic situlae from Slovenia). − Studia Praehistorica in Honorem Janez Dular, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 30, 323−339.

TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Kačaste fibule z območja Slovenije (Serpentine fibulae from Slovenia). − Arheološki vestnik 65, 2014, 123-186.

TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Women from Magdalenska gora. tIn: BLEČIĆ, Martina (ed.), ČREŠNAR, Matija (ed.), HÄNSEL, Bernhard (ed.), HELLMUTH, Anja (ed.), KAISER, Elke (ed.), METZNER-NEBELSICK, Carola (ed.). Scripta praehistorica in honorem Biba Teržan, (Situla 44), 2007, 477–490.

KOKALJ, Žiga, PEHANI, Peter, TECCO HVALA, Sneža, OŠTIR, Krištof. Application of Internet GIS tools for heritage management. Arkas case study. In GIRARDOT, Jean-Jacques (ed.). Papers on region, identity and sustainable development. Alba Iulia: Aeternitas, 2007, str. 267-272, ilustr.

PEHANI, Peter, PODOBNIKAR, Tomaž, TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Zasnova in vzpostavitev internetnega GIS-strežnika na ZRC SAZU. In: PODOBNIKAR, Tomaž (ed.), PERKO, Drago (ed.), KREVS, Marko (ed.), STANČIČ, Zoran (ed.), HLADNIK, David (ed.), ČEH, Marjan (ed.). Geografski informacijski sistemi v Sloveniji 2003-2004, 2004, 157–167.

PODOBNIKAR, Tomaž, TECCO HVALA, Sneža, DULAR, Janez. Iterative approach to ancient paths modelling in the Iron Age study of the Dolenjska region (Slovenia). − In: FISCHER AUSSERER, Karin (ed.). [Enter the past] : the e-way into the four dimensions of cultural heritage : proceedings of the 30th conference, (BAR international series, 1227), 2004, 254–257.

DULAR, Janez, PAVLIN, Primož, TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Prazgodovinska višinska naselja v okolici Dol pri Litiji. − Arheološki vestnik 54, 2003, 159–224.

DULAR, Janez, KRIŽ, Borut, PAVLIN, Primož, TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Prazgodovinska višinska naselja v dolini Krke. − Arheološki vestnik 51, 2000, 119–170.

DULAR, Janez, KRIŽ, Borut, SVOLJŠAK, Drago, TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Prazgodovinska višinska naselja v Suhi krajini. − Arheološki vestnik 46, 1995, 89–168.

STANČIČ, Zoran, DULAR, Janez, GAFFNEY, Vincent, TECCO HVALA, Sneža. A GIS-based analysis of later prehistoric settlement patterns in Dolenjska, Slovenia. In: WILCOCK, John (ed.), LOCKYEAR, Kris (ed.). Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, 1993, (BAR International series, 598), 1995, 161–164.

DULAR, Janez, KRIŽ, Borut, SVOLJŠAK, Drago, TECCO HVALA, Sneža. Utrjena prazgodovinska naselja v Mirenski in Temeniški dolini. − Arheološki vestnik 42, 1991, 65–198,

PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2022−2027) (research programme • January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027)
PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2015−2021) (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
Identifying quarries in the Roman Pannonia (October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025)
Colapians – the Iron Age people along the river Kolpa (September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2023)
At the contact between the Alps and Mediterranean – continuity and turning points (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022)
Iron Age settlement at Most na Soči – the beginnings of urbanism in the southeastern Alps (October 1, 2014 - February 28, 2018)
Contact of civilisations (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2017)
Social differentiation and cultural identities in the Iron Age on the territory of Slovenia (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2014)
Information system of Archaeological Heritage of Slovenia (January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2009)
Standards and exchange values in the European late prehistoric societies (applied project • January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2009)
Archaeological and palynological resaerch in the Ljubljansko barje (research project • July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2007)