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Information system of Archaeological Heritage of Slovenia


The aim of the proposed project is to modernize the archaeological informational infrastructure with the purpose of a more effective heritage managing and the establishment of a firm basis for research and education. We intend to develop an information system through the integration of records, inventories and bibliography, referring to archaeological heritage, and spatially orientated databases. It will be based on the internet and the internet GIS to facilitate the exchange and use of data amongst local, regional, national and international partnerships. It could be an effective support in decision-making concerning protection and safeguard of the archaeological sites, as well the reasonable planning of investigation and promotion of archaeology according to needs of the contemporary society of new communications and information technologies.


Janez DULAR, Sneža TECCO HVALA, South-eastern Slovenia in the Early Iron Age. Settlement, economy, society / Jugovzhodna Slovenija v starejši železni dobi. Poselitev, gospodarstvo, družba. – Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 12, 2007.

Janez DULAR, Pferdegräber und Pferdebestattungen in der hallstattzeitlichen Dolenjsko-Gruppe. – Scripta praehistorica in honorem Biba Teržan. Situla 44, 2007, 737–752.

Janez DULAR, Pogled na družbeno strukturo železnodobne Dolenjske. – Kronika : časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino 53/3, 2008, 425–434.

Janez DULAR, K problematiki prostorskega umeščanja in poimenovanja arheoloških najdišč (Spatial positioning and naming of the archaeological sites reconsidered). – Arheološki vestnik 58, 2007, 435–443.

Research Project