Archaeological and palynological resaerch in the Ljubljansko barje
Project Team
Maja Andrič, PhD, Janez Dirjec, Zvezdana Modrijan, PhD, Snežana Tecco Hvala, PhD-
Project ID
1 July 2004–30 June 2007 -
Project Leader
Ljubljansko barje from Sv. Ana. Photo: M. Turk, 2005.
Research project which includes archaeological, dendrochronological, archaeozoological and palaeobotanical research aims to investigate past vegetation development and human impact on the environment. Therefore pollen record in sedimentary cores and profiles, collected from palaeoecological and archaeological sites at Maharski prekop near Ig, Blatna Brezovica, and Stare gmajne near Verd, is being analysed.
Research Project