The Župna Cerkev Cemetery in Kranj
Original Title
Grobišče Župna cerkev v Kranju
Project Team
Benjamin Štular, PhD, Mateja Belak, Lucija Lavrenčič, Primož Pavlin, PhD, , dr. Katja Hrobat Virloget, dr. Zrinka Mileusnić-
Project ID
1 July 2011–31 December 2015 -
Project Leader
Faculty of Humanities at the University of Primorska, Institute of Archeology a…
The Župna cerkev (parish church) cemetery in Kranj offers a unique possibility for a qualitative leap in the archaeological understanding of the Early Middle Ages in Central Europe, and also of the following centuries. With the help of natural science methods (C-14) it enables the establishment of a representative absolute chronology in the area of the southeast Alps, which will be applicable also to the areas of north Italy, Switzerland, Austria, south and central Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, partly even in Romania, i.e. everywhere where there is similar archaeological material. The Župna cerkev graveyard in Kranj contains nearly 3,000 archaeologically investigated burials from the time between the 7th and the 18th century, which means that this is one of the largest medieval graveyards in Europe in terms of size and the duration of uninterrupted use. Almost half of the graves belong to the Early Middle Ages. There are more than 1,100 objects and more than 700 skeletons available for anthropological analysis (kept by: the Museum of Gorenjska, Kranj).
The Župna Cerkev Cemetery in Kranj, grave 1965_z0171
An absolute chronology for the Župna cerkev graveyard in Kranj would, together with the results of an anthropological analysis, offer an answer to a series of interpretative problems of Central European archaeology: from the issues of archaeological typologies to the formation of identity groups and the possibility of detecting population migrations. This is a unique archaeological site, whose publication and analysis is a long due desideratum of Slovene and international scientific community.
- Pleterski, A., B. Štular, M. Belak, H. Bešter, Začetek in konec raziskovanj grobišča pri Župni cerkvi v Kranju (1953 in 2011−2013) / The beginnning and end of exploration at the Župna cerkev cemetery in Kranj (1953 and 2011−2013). − Grobišče Župna cerkev v Kranju 3; Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 38, 2019.
- Pleterski, A., B. Štular, M. Belak, Arheološka raziskovanja grobov najdišča Župna cerkev v Kranju med letoma 1972 in 2010 (Archaeological investigation of graves from Župna cerkev site in Kranj between 1972 and 2010). − Grobišče Župna cerkev v Kranju 2; Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 37, 2017.
- Pleterski, A., B. Štular, M. Belak, Izkopavanja srednjeveškega in zgodnjenovoveškega grobišča pri župni cerkvi v Kranju v letih 1964−1970 (Excavations of Medieval and Post-Medieval cemetery at the Župna cerkev in Kranj from 1964 to 1970). − Grobišče Župna cerkev v Kranju 1; Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 35, 2016.
- Štular, B., 3D Archeology. Early Medieval Earrings from Kranj, 2015
- Štular, B., Dotik dediščine. Trirazsežni prikaz zgodnjesrednjeveškega naglavnega nakita iz najdišča župna cerkev v Kranju, Ljubljana 2013.
- ACHINO Katia Francesca, ŠTULAR Benjamin, RIHTER Jernej, RIHTER Janja, Assessing the intentionality of spatial organization. Cemetery of Župna Cerkev (Kranj, Slovenia) case study (Preučevanje namernosti prostorske ureditve. Primer grobišča Župna cerkev v Kranju.) − Arheološki vestnik 70, 2019, 297–313.