Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Benjamin Štular, PhD-
Original Title
Centro per le Architetture Militari dell’Alto Adriatico
Project Team
Slavko Ciglenečki, PhD, Janez Dirjec, Zvezdana Modrijan, PhD, Primož Pavlin, PhD, Tjaša Tolar, PhD-
15 January 2013–14 January 2015 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine RS, Občina Miren - Kostanjevica, Comune di Ferrara, Comune di Palmanova, Università degli studi di Ferrara, Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettoniche Paesaggistici di Venezia e Laguna, Mestna Občina Koper, Universita’ degli studi di Trieste – dipartimento di progettazione architettoni…, Marco Polo System G.E.I.E., Comunità Collinare del Friuli
The CAMAA (Centro per le Architetture Militari dell’Alto Adriatico = Centre for Military Architecture in Northern Adriatic) project established a sustainable network for managing a specific type of cultural heritage, military architecture. To this end project's primary objective was to develop management and restoration methods. In addition, three centres on both sides of the border have been established with the objective to disseminate the project's results beyond the duration of the project.