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Tina Berden, PhD

Research Assistant

+386 1 47 06 381

+386 1 320 73 64


  • bachelor's degree in archaeology 2012, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • master's degree in archaeology 2015, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • PhD in archaeology 2022, Podiplomska šola ZRC SAZU (Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU)

Research interests:

Roman provincial archaeology: settlements, graveyards, material culture, romanisation

  • bachelor's degree in archaeology 2012, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • master's degree in archaeology 2015, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

BERNARDINI, Federico, HORVAT, Jana, VINCI, Giacomo, BERDEN, Tina, LAVRENČIČ, Lucija, LICCIOLI, Lucia, LUBRITTO, Carmine. Grociana piccola: A rare example of Republican military fortifications in Italy. − Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2021, 1-18. DOI: 10.1017/S1047759421000453

BERDEN, Tina, KOŠIR, Adrijan. SEM-EDS Elemental analysis of the pigments from Nauportus. In: RIGATO, Daniela, MONGARDI, Manuela, VITELLI CASELLA, Mattia (eds.). Adriatlas 4. Produzioni artigianali in area adriatica: manufatti, ateliers e attori (III sec. a.C. – V sec. d.C.) (Ausonius éditions, collection PrimaLun@ 8), 2021, str. 135-144.DOI : 10.46608/primaluna8.9782356134073.8

BERDEN Tina, PAVLIN Primož, Grobišča pri Humku v Dobovi / Cemeteries at Humek in Dobova (Slovenia). − Arheološki vestnik 72, 2021, 187−225.

BERDEN, Tina, ČUFAR, Katarina, HORVAT, Jana. Selected Early Imperial contexts from Nauportus : Breg area. V: DOLENZ, Heimo (ur.), STROBEL, Karl (ur.). Chronologie und vergleichende Chronologien zum Ausgang der Römischen Republik und zur Frühen Kaiserzeit : Tagungsband des internationalen Kolloquiums anlässlich 70 Jahre Archäologische Ausgrabungen auf dem Magdalensberg : zugleich Festgabe für Eleni Schindler Kaudelka, (Kärntner Museumsschriften, Bd. 87). Klagenfurt am Wörthersee: Landesmuseum für Kärnten. 2019, 35-62.

ČUFAR, Katarina, HORVAT, Jana, TOLAR, Tjaša, BERDEN, Tina, MERELA, Maks. Research potential of wood of barrels from Roman water wells = Raziskovalni potencial lesa sodov iz rimskih vodnjakov. Les : revija za lesno gospodarstvo, ISSN 0024-1067. [Tiskana izd.], 2019, 68,/1, 47-60.

BERDEN, Tina, DOLENEC, Matej. Identifikacija izvora surovin za izdelavo kamenih orodij z rentgensko fluorescenčno spektroskopijo (XRF) = Identtifyinig the origin of the raw materials in lithic productions using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). Arheo : arheološka obvestila, ISSN 0351-5958, 2016, 33, 25-38.


PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2022−2027) (research programme • January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027)
A small settlement on the main road − the Roman vicus Nauportus (postdoctoral research project • November 1, 2023 - October 31, 2025)
PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2015−2021) (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
Poetovio - from legionary fortress to autonomous town (October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025)