Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Edisa Lozić, PhD-
Original Title
Transforming data rE-use in ARCHaeology
Project Team
Benjamin Štular, PhD, Mateja Belak, Tilen Podobnik-
Project ID
CHANSE ERA-NET (MVŠZT C3330-22-252006)
1 September 2022–31 August 2025 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Financial Source
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo
MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), Vilnius University, Lund University, University of Antwerp, Ghent University
Official project web site: https://www.tetrarchs.org
Digital data curation for cultural heritage has reached a critical impasse. A central tension exists between the need to preserve cultural resources, and the dynamic potential for their use and re-use in democratic and just ways. In archaeology, much work has been done to make data Findable, Accessible and Interoperable (according to the FAIR Principles), but little is understood about whether data are Reusable–and by whom. TEtrARCHs argues the future of digital curation depends upon reconciling this divide, and aims to demonstrate that data optimised for ethical and emotive storytelling will provide the bridge between those who find or preserve heritage assets, and the diverse cross-European audiences for whom they might generate meaning.
Through an interdisciplinary team of archaeological specialists, data scientists, and museum practitioners, collaborating with three key user groups–domain experts, creative practitioners, and memory institutions– TEtrARCHs will offer those who capture, curate and apply cultural heritage data with critically-aware workflows to prepare their data for enhanced re-use at every point in the data lifecycle (e.g., capture, mapping, lab-based analysis), then scenario-test such re-use through the dissemination of new narrative outputs authored by cross-European creative practitioners. The project embraces three scales of data collection in archaeology–landscape, site and artefact–exploring them via four increasingly ubiquitous technologies for data capture: airborne LiDAR, 3D scanning, digital field drawing and photography. Alongside novel workflows for field, post-excavation and archival practice, TEtrARCHs will produce the world’s first controlled vocabulary for cultural heritage storytelling, the first assessments of data reuse effectiveness following ISO Standard 25022: Measurement of Quality in Use, and the first best practice recommendations for trusted digital repositories to optimise archaeological data for re-use.
TETRARCHs is supported by
- Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in the UK,
- Research Council of Lithuania
- Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology in Slovenia
- FORTE Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare and
- Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)
The TETRACHs project is a part of the CHANSE ERA-NET Co-fund programme which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
Štular, B., Lozić, E. 2023. Executable Map Paper (EMaP) for Archaeological LiDAR. − Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 6(1): 79–95. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/jcaa.106
- Nicolò Dell’Unto: mproving data reuse in archaeology: Exploring the role of 3D web archives in supporting archaeological practice; 8 June 2023
- James Taylor: Exploring the Reuse of Digital Field Data at Toumba Serron in Northern Greece; 24 April 2023
- Edisa Lozić, Benjamin Štular: Making archaeological LiDAR more accessible: why and how; 15 February 2023,
accessible at https://www.tetrarchs.org/index.php/2023/01/28/february-2023-our-first-tetrarchs-seminar/
Field survey
Field experiment in archaeological LiDAR: Knežak (Slovenia), 17.−21.6.2024.
Aerial Laser Scanning with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at Prehistoric Settlements in the Notranjska Region (22nd to 24th August 2023)