Relative and absolute chronology of the Neolithic and Eneolithic period in north-eastern Slovenia
Original Title
Relativna in absolutna kronologija mlajše kamene in bakrene dobe na prostoru severovzhodne Slovenije
Project Team
Mateja Belak, Janez Dirjec, dr. Boris Kavur, dr. Irena Lazar, mag. Zrinka Mileusnić, dr. Alenka Tomaž, Borut Toškan, PhD, Anton Velušček, PhD-
Project ID
1 July 2011–30 June 2014 -
Project Leader
Mitja Guštin, PhD (University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Kope…
The proposed project will address topics concerning absolute and relative chronology of Neolithic and Eneolithic period in eastern Slovenia, as well as its cultural connections to other regions of Central Europe, especially to neighbouring Croatia, Hungary and Austria. The earliest studies carried out in north-eastern Slovenia as well as explanations concerning these archaeological finds were, until recently, burdened with 50 years old national interpretations. Already from the beginning they were isolated from the international research and explanations that resulted in cultural and chronological interpretations with no scientific basis for wider European region.
Research problems in archaeology of Neolithic and Eneolithic period in eastern Slovenia, as seen all through the history of research, are manifested on three levels: inconsistency and out-of-date concepts still in use in scientific research today, inactivity and incompatibility with the international research flow and the use of out-of-date research methodology, based either on poor data or on data unsuitable for modern analysis.
This project is planned in order to overcome these problems with the help of extensive series of research, supported by application of modern methodologies to analyse well-documented and defined archaeological clusters. Archaeological material will be documented and interpreted under the highest international standards for archaeological research and under the adopted orientations valid in wider European context. Results are going to be published in Slovenia; and through publications, congress contributions, guest lectures and courses of visiting professors on universities abroad, thus available also to the international scientific community. The main goal of this research is up-to-date scientific analysis of all accessible material sources acquired through archaeological excavations. Based on these, we can define cultural and chronological traits of individual Neolithic or Eneolithic archaeological locations and also provide a cultural-historical portrait for the whole region considered in this study. Already obtained radiocarbon dates together with acquisition of new ones, especially from the sites with reliable contexts and culturally significant material, will contribute to re-establishment of more precise cultural-historical periodization, based upon highly accurate absolute chronology. This periodization will be comparable to, or will supplement and even correct, similar chronologies made for the regions of Central and Eastern Europe that is, for the area of western Pannonian plain.
The research will incorporate analysis of archaeological material sources from newly excavated sites as well as revised material from older excavations from both published and unpublished sites. To achieve analytical comparability of data and hence better evaluation of material both from systematic research and revised collections we will introduce a uniform system of analysis of small archaeological finds.
The final goal of proposed project is a presentation of research results on an international level, which will enable future promotion of Slovenian scientific excellence and with this the opportunity for the project to be upgraded and expand in the form of variety of international scientific projects.