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Nina Caf, PhD

Research Assistant

+386 1 47 06 511

+386 1 47 06 646


  • B. Sc. in geology, 2015, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
  • M. Sc. in paleobiology, 2017, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
  • Ph. D. 2023, Podiplomska šola ZRC SAZU

Research interests

Palaeoecology, palynology, sedimentology

CAF, Nina, SABATIER, Pierre, CUCINOTTA, Julia, RAPUC, William, DOLENEC, Matej, ŠMUC, Andrej 2025, Holocene human impact on different altitudinal belts in Julian Alps, Slovenia. − The Holocene (OnlineFirst). DOI: 10.1177/09596836241307300

CAF, Nina, SABATIER, Pierre, ŠMUC, Andrej, OGRINC, Nives, DOLENEC, Matej, RAPUC, William, POTOČNIK, Doris, GRAFENSTEIN, Ulrich von, ANDRIČ, Maja. Multi-proxy reconstruction of the Holocene vegetation and land use dynamics in the Julian Alps, north-west Slovenia. Journal of quaternary science,

TOLAR, Tjaša (avtor, prevajalec), CAF, Nina, LE BAILLY, Matthieu. The dog or its master? : interdisciplinary study on coprolite from the Pile-Dwelling Site Stare Gmajne. V: KOPRIVNIK, Vesna (ur.), SALECL, Dunja (ur.). Srečanja tisočletij = The convergence of millennia : Museoeurope : the collected volume of the symposium 19.-21. 10. 2023 : [= Zbornik mednarodnega simpozija 19.–21. 10. 2023]. Maribor: Pokrajinski muzej: = Regional Museum, 2023. Str. 78-91, ilustr. Zbirka Museoeurope, 8. ISBN 978-961-94532-7-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 171767555]

TOLAR Tjaša, GALIK Alfred, LE BAILLY Matthieu, DUFOUR Benjamin, CAF Nina, TOŠKAN Borut, BUŽAN Elena, ZVER Lars, JANŽEKOVIČ Franc, VELUŠČEK Anton, Multi‑proxy analysis of waterlogged preserved Late Neolithic canine excrements. − Vegetation History and Archaeobotany (