Elena Leghissa, PhD
Research Associate
+386 1 4706 394
Research interests
- B. Sc. in archaeology 2011, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- Ph. D. in archaeology 2017, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Research interests:
- Material culture of prehistoric pile-dwelling settlements on Ljubljansko barje
- pile-dwellings heritage of Ljubljansko barje
- Copper and Bronze Age period in the southeastern Alps
International cooperation:
Multidisciplinary Laboratory, The “Abdus Salam” International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
Selected publications
- LEGHISSA E., M. JANČAR, M. MERELA, L. KRŽE, B. ŠTULAR, A. VELUŠČEK, K. ČUFAR, The Špica pile-dwelling site – analyses of archaeological wood. − Les/Wood 73/2, 2024, 75−92. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26614/les-wood.2024.v73n02a07
- BERNARDINI, F., MONTAGNARI KOKELJ, M., VELICOGNA, M., BARAGO, N., LENAZ, D., De MIN, A., LEGHISSA, E., Continuity and Innovation in Pottery Technology: The Karst Region (North-East Italy) from Neolithic to Early Bronze Age. − Heritage 7(6), 2024, 2959−2983. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage7060139
- BERNARDINI, Federico, De MIN, Angelo, VELICOGNA, Matteo, ROFFET-SALQUE, Mélanie, KISS, Viktória, KASZTOVSZKY, Zs, MARÓTI, Boglarka, SZILÁGYI, Veronika, MELIS, Eszter, LEGHISSA, Elena 2024, Provenance, technology and possible function of Gáta–Wieselburg vessels from the Trieste Karst (northeastern Italy). − Archaeometry. 10.1111/arcm.12953.
- LEGHISSA, Elena, De MIN Angelo, KASZTOVSZKY, Zsolt, SZILÁGYI, Veronika, VELICOGNA, Matteo, VINAZZA, Manca, BERNARDINI, Federico 2023, Arheometrične analize poznobakrenodobne keramike z Ljubljanskega barja: preučevanje dinamike izmenjave in mobilnosti v 3. tisočletju pr. n. št. − Študije keramike v Sloveniji, Ljubljana, [15].
- LEGHISSA, Elena, ŠMIT, Žiga, BREZIGAR, Barbara, SVETLIČIČ, Vesna, TURK, Peter, The earliest glass from the territory of Slovenia, Documenta Praehistorica 50, 2023, 2-11. DOI: 10.4312/dp.50.20.
- BERNARDINI, Federico, PIPAN, Michele, FORTE, Emauele, LEGHISSA, Elena, CALOSI, Massimo, FURLANI, Stefano, HUNTER BROKING, Samantha, LOIACONO, Roberta, MACOVAZ, Vanja, Trmun (north-eastern Italy): Multi-scale remote and ground-based sensing of a Bronze Age and post-Roman fortification, 2023, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 51 (2023) 104108. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104108.
- LEGHISSA, Elena, ANDRIČ, Maja, TOLAR, Tjaša, TOŠKAN, Borut, VELUŠČEK, Anton, Reviving the heritage of pile dwellings in the Ljubljansko barje: reconstruction of a pile-dwelling settlement from the 3rd millennium BC. – Museoeurope 8, Srečanja tisočletij / The convergence of millennia, Maribor, 333–343.
- LEGHISSA, Elena, ANDRIČ, Maja, TOLAR, Tjaša, TOŠKAN, Borut, VELUŠČEK, Anton, Obujena koliščarska dediščina na Ljubljanskem barju. – Arheo 39, Srečanja tisočletij / The convergence of millennia, Maribor, 203–207.
- VELUŠČEK, Anton, LEGHISSA, Elena, TOLAR, Tjaša, Stare gmajne pri Verdu. Arheološko najdišče presežkov. − Palafittes, Pfahlbauten, Palafitte, Kolišča, Pile Dwellings, News 21, 2021, 100−105.
- MONTAGNARI KOKELJ, Emanuela, BERNARDINI, Federico, LEGHISSA, Elena. Eneolitico e carso triestino : dati e problemi aperti. V: MUSCIO, Giuseppe (ur.), et al. Antichi abitatori delle grotte in Friuli : [la prehistoria nelle cavità delle Prealpi Giulie]. [Udine]: Comune di Udine - Castello di Udine: Civici Musei, Museo Archeologico: Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, 2021. Str. 211-224, ilustr., zvd. ISBN 978-88-88192-6-80. [COBISS.SI-ID 74423043]
- LEGHISSA, Elena, MONTAGNARI KOKELJ, Emanuela, BERNARDINI, Federico. Le coppe su piede del Carso triestino : contatti e scambi nel III millennio a.C. tra Caput Adriae ed Europa Centrale. V: MUSCIO, Giuseppe (ur.), et al. Antichi abitatori delle grotte in Friuli : [la prehistoria nelle cavità delle Prealpi Giulie]. [Udine]: Comune di Udine - Castello di Udine: Civici Musei, Museo Archeologico: Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, 2021. Str. 227-243, ilustr., zvd. ISBN 978-88-88192-6-80. [COBISS.SI-ID 74424067]
- BERNARDINI, Federico (avtor, fotograf), LEGHISSA, Elena, MONTAGNARI KOKELJ, Emanuela. Asce forate in pietra levigata e altri indicatori di scambi e contatti ne Caput Adriae tra IV e III millenio a.C. V: MUSCIO, Giuseppe (ur.), et al. Antichi abitatori delle grotte in Friuli : [la prehistoria nelle cavità delle Prealpi Giulie]. [Udine]: Comune di Udine - Castello di Udine: Civici Musei, Museo Archeologico: Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, 2021. Str. 245-255, ilustr., zvd. ISBN 978-88-88192-6-80. [COBISS.SI-ID 74424835]
- MONTAGNARI KOKELJ, Emanuela, LEGHISSA, Elena, BERNARDINI, Federico. Typology is not enough : how archaeological science contributes to a better reconstruction of the Copper Age/Early Bronze Age in the Caput Adriae and beyond. V: MUSCIO, Giuseppe (ur.), et al. Antichi abitatori delle grotte in Friuli : [la prehistoria nelle cavità delle Prealpi Giulie]. [Udine]: Comune di Udine - Castello di Udine: Civici Musei, Museo Archeologico: Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, 2021. Str. 249-260, zvd., ilustr. ISBN 978-88-88192-6-80. [COBISS.SI-ID 76871171]
- LEGHISSA E., Deschmann’s pile-dwelling sites near Ig and the cultural-chronological attribution of the Late Copper Age Ljubljana culture / Kulturna in časovna umestitev poznobakrenodobne ljubljanske kulture na Dežmanovih koliščih pri Igu, Arheološki vestnik 72, 2021, 7−51. doi: https://doi.org/10.3986/AV.72.01
- LEGHISSA E., KASZTOVSZKY Z., SZILÁGYI V., HARSÁNYI I., De MIN A., PRINCIVALLE F., MONTAGNARI KOKELJ M., BERNARDINI F. 2020, Late-Copper-Age decorated bowls from the Trieste Karst (north-eastern Italy): What can typology, technology and non-destructive chemical analyses tell us on local vs. foreign production, exchange systems and human mobility patterns?, in «Quaternary International», 539, 92−104
Before 2020
- BERNARDINI F., LEGHISSA E., PROKOP D., VELUŠČEK A., De MIN A., DREOSSI D., DONATO S., TUNIZ C., PRINCIVALLE F., MONTAGNARI KOKELJ M. 2019, X-ray computed microtomography of Late Copper Age decorated bowls with cross-shaped foots from central Slovenia and the Trieste Karst (North-Eastern Italy): technology and paste characterisation, in «Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences», 11, 4711−4728.
- LEGHISSA, Elena. Od prve fotografije do prve radiokarbonske datacije : Vučedolska koliščarska naselbina na Ljubljanskem barju = From the first photo to the first radiocarbon date : a Vučedol pile dwelling site in the Ljubljansko barje. V: ČREŠNAR, Matija (ur.), VINAZZA, Manca (ur.). Srečanja in vplivi v raziskovanju bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem : zbornik prispevkov v čast Bibi Teržan. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. 2018, 39−52.
- LEGHISSA, Elena. Način okraševanja keramike ljubljanske kulture in pramenaste keramike – eksperimentalna arheologija / Decorating the pottery of the Ljubljana culture and the Litzen pottery – an experimental archaeology case study, Arheološki vestnik 66, 2015, 275–292.
Selected projects
PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2015−2021) (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
Bridging the GAP between Geological, Archaeological and Palynological studies (interdisciplinary project • January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2027)
Exchange and mobility dynamics at Ljubljansko barje: Late Copper age pile-dwelling Špica in Ljubljana (November 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024)
Na-kolih - Interpretation of Biodiversity and Heritage of Pile Dwellings in the Ljubljana Marshes (July 1, 2019 - November 30, 2022)
Bridging the GAP between Geological, Archaeological and Palynological studies (interdisciplinary project • January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2027)
Exchange and mobility dynamics at Ljubljansko barje: Late Copper age pile-dwelling Špica in Ljubljana (November 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024)
Na-kolih - Interpretation of Biodiversity and Heritage of Pile Dwellings in the Ljubljana Marshes (July 1, 2019 - November 30, 2022)