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Brina Škvor Jernejčič, PhD

Research Associate, Assistant Professor

+386 1 4706 500


  • 2008: BA in Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • 2009/2014: Young Researcher (pre-Bologna reforms programme), employed at the National Museum of Slovenia, Archaeological department
  • 2010: Accomplished transition to PhD study (equivalent to MA in Archaeology), Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • 2014: PhD in Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • 2017: Junior Researcher - Assistant with PhD at the University of Ljubljana
  • 2020: Assistant Professor at the University of Ljubljana

Areas of Specialization

  • Bronze and Early Iron Age of the south-eastern Alpine region
  • Funerary archaeology, mortuary practices and rites, cremation/inhumation
  • Social structures and (in)equalities in the prehistoric societies
  • Mobility and migration in the Bronze and Iron Age Europe
  • Bio-archaeology, isotopes

Short term research stays abroad

  • 2005/2006: Socrates/Erasmus Exchange Programme at Università degli studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli, Italy
  • 2010: DAAD scholarship for doctoral candidates at the Ludwig-Maximilian Universität, Department für Kulturwissenschaften und Altertumskunde, Institut für Vor- und frühgeschichtliche Archäologie und Provinzialrömische Archäologie, München (supervisor Prof. Metzner-Nebelsick Carola)
  • 2011: DAAD scholarship for doctoral candidates at the Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie, Freie Universität, Berlin (supervisor Prof. Hansen Svend)
  • 2011: Fellowship-holder of the Italian Ministry for International Affairs at the Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Archeologia, Padua (supervisor Prof. Leonardi Giovanni)
  • 2015: Research stay at the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra, Slovakia (Archeologický ústav SAV)
  • 2018: Research stay at the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Eurasien-Abteilung)

Long term research stays abroad

2015/2017: Postdoctoral research project DRS POINT-2015, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action with a title »Intercultural contacts between the south-eastern Alpine region and the western Carpathian area in the second half of the 2nd millenium BC«, grant nr Z-COFUND-8, at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology, Free University Berlin (Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie, Freie Universität Berlin), cooperation with the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Eurasien-Abteilung), Germany

Editorial board

2018/today: Member of the editorial board of the periodical Arheo – Glasilo Slovenskega arheološkega društva


  • 2015/2019: Member of the Excellence Cluster TOPOI (Berlin, Germany), within the research group B-4-4 »Shifting things and identity«
  • 2016/today: Member of the European Association of Archaeologists
  • 2018/today: Member of the Archaeological Society of Slovenia

Selected research projects (before 2021)

  • 2015/2017: Project leader of the postdoctoral research project DRS POINT-2015, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action with a title »Intercultural contacts between the south-eastern Alpine region and the western Carpathian area in the second half of the 2nd millenium BC«, grant nr Z-COFUND-8, at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology, Free University Berlin (Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie, Freie Universität Berlin), cooperation with the German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Eurasien-Abteilung)
  • 2017/2020: Project leader of the postdoctoral research project »Beyond Materiality: Prehistoric communities and their burial customs in the light of new scientific analyse«, grant nr Z6-8252, co-funded by the Slovenian Research Agency, at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology/li>

Research Programmes(before 2021)

2009/2014: »Premična kulturna dediščina: arheološke in arheometrične raziskave«, grant nr P6-0283 (C), co-funded by the Slovenian Research Agency, National museum of Slovenia

Original scientific article


Conference proceedings

  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Considerazioni su alcuni aspetti cronologici e funerari dellʼetà del Bronzo Recente in Slovenia e in Italia. V: DANCKERS, Jonas (ur.), CAVAZZUTI, Claudio (ur.), CATTANI, Maurizio (ur.). Facies e culture nellʼetà del Bronzo italiana?. Bruxelles: Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome = Brussel: Institut Historique Belge de Rome; Roma: Istituto Storico Belga di Roma. 2019, str. 183-196, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 72033634]
  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina, TOŠKAN, Borut. Ritual use of dogs and wolves in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the South-Eastern Alpine region. New evidence from the archaeo(zoo)logical perspective. V: COSTAMAGNO, Sandrine (ur.). Animal symbolisé, animal exploité : du Paléolithique à la Protohistoire, (Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, ISSN 1764-7355). Paris: Éditions du CTHS. 2018, str. 249-277, ilustr., zvd. [COBISS.SI-ID 43590957]
  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Olle - oval pots with a short everted rim from the cemeteries at Frattesina (I) and Ljubljana (SI). The same shape yet different use within the funerary practices?. V: Frattesina cinquant'anni dopo. Il Delta del Po tra Europa e Mediterraneo nei secoli attorno al 1000 a.C. = Frattesina fifty years later. The Po Delta between Europe and the Mediterranean in the centuries around 1000 BC. Berlin: Centro polesano di studi storici archeologici ed etnografici (Cpssae), 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 67321954]
  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Il rituale e il costume funerario nella tarda età del bronzo e nella prima età del ferro nella Slovenia centrale e nell´Italia nordorientale. V: BORGNA, Elisabetta (ur.), CÀSSOLA GUIDA, Paola (ur.), CORAZZA, Susi (ur.). Preistoria e protostoria del Caput Adriae, (Studi di preistoria e protostoria, 5). Firenze: Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria. 2018, str. 537-550, ilustr., zvd. [COBISS.SI-ID 69349218]
  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina, VINAZZA, Manca. Burial rites in the western and central Slovenia in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. A case study of Urnfield Cemeteries from Tolmin and Ljubljana (Slovenia). V: BORGNA, Elisabetta (ur.), CÀSSOLA GUIDA, Paola (ur.), CORAZZA, Susi (ur.). Preistoria e protostoria del Caput Adriae, (Studi di preistoria e protostoria, 5). Firenze: Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria. 2018, str.785-790, ilustr., zvd. [COBISS.SI-ID 69348706]
  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina, VINAZZA, Manca. Burial practices and burial rites between the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Slovenia. A comparative analysis of Ljubljana and Tolmin cemeteries. V: CIVIDINI, Tiziana (ur.), TASCA, Giovanni (ur.). Il funerario in Friuli e nelle regioni contermini tra l'età del ferro e l'età tardoantica. Atti del Convegno Internazionale = The funerary in Friuli and surrounding regions between Iron Age and Late Antiquity. Proceedings of the International Conference, San Vito al Tagliamento, 14 febbraio 2013, (BAR International series, ISSN 0143-3067, 2795). Oxford: BAR Publishing. 2016, str. 41-62, ilustr., zvd., graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 9223008]


Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Razmislek o poznobronastodobnih skupnostih iz Ljubljane na podlagi njihovih pogrebnih običajev in noše = Considerations about the Late Bronze Age communities in Ljubljana as revealed by their funerary practices and attires. In: M. Črešnar, M. Vinazza (eds.). Srečanja in vplivi v raziskovanju bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem. Zbornik prispevkov v čast Bibi Teržan. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. 2018, str.163-186, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 67395426]
  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Grobovi iz starejšega halštatskega obdobja na Molniku. In: Tecco Hvala, Sneža. Molnik pri Ljubljani v železni dobi = The iron age site at Molnik near Ljubljana, (Zbirka Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae, 36). 1. izd. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Založba ZRC. 2017, str. 89-108, 140-153, tabele, zvd. [COBISS.SI-ID 41869357]
  • TECCO HVALA, Sneža, ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Raztresene najdbe v gomilah in njihov značaj. In: Tecco Hvala, Sneža. Molnik pri Ljubljani v železni dobi = The iron age site at Molnik near Ljubljana, (Zbirka Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae, 36). 1. izd. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Založba ZRC. 2017, str. 119-123, 161-165, risbe. [COBISS.SI-ID 41869613]
  • TECCO HVALA, Sneža, ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Kulturna in družbena identiteta. In: Tecco Hvala, Sneža. Molnik pri Ljubljani v železni dobi = The iron age site at Molnik near Ljubljana, (Zbirka Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae, 36). 1. izd. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Založba ZRC. 2017, str. 125-130, 166-170, risbe. [COBISS.SI-ID 41869869]
  • ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Ljubljana, Dvorišče SAZU. In: B. Teržan (ed.), et al. Absolutno datiranje bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem = Absolute dating of Bronze and Iron Ages in Slovenia, (Katalogi in monografije, 40). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Narodni muzej Slovenije. 2014, str. 363-385, zvd., ilustr., graf. prikaz. [COBISS.SI-ID 8872800]


Doctoral dissertation

ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Žarna nekropola v Ljubljani in preobrazba ljubljanske skupine na prehodu iz bronaste v železno dobo. Doktorska disertacija. University of Ljubljana, 2014, [COBISS.SI-ID 8903520]

Undergraduate degree

ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina. Pusti Gradac v starohalštatskem obdobju. Diplomsko delo. University of Ljubljana, 2008, [COBISS.SI-ID 37035874]

Archeological Exhibition

ŠKVOR JERNEJČIČ, Brina, ŽELEZNIKAR, Janja. Pogrebni ritual v pozni bronasti dobi. O grobu iz Ulice Toma Brejca v Kamniku. Kamnik: Medobčinski muzej, 2018, [COBISS.SI-ID 297042688]


Selected lectures


  • Online lecture »Dinamiche di insediamento e produzione ceramica nella Slovenia centrale nel Bronzo Medio e Recente« at the international conference »Modelli di insediamento e paesaggi antropici delle regioni costiere nord-adriatiche tra medio e tardo Bronzo«, Università degli Studi di Udine, 7.5.2021 (with co-authors E. Leghissa and B. Brezigar)
  • Online lecture »Vloga živali v pogrebnih običajih pozne bronaste dobe v jugovzhodoalpskem prostoru« at the international conference »Od morja do morja. Življenje in smrt v pozni bronasti dobi med »Panonskim« in Jadranskim morjem«, Koper – Ptuj, 20.-21.5.2021 (with a co-author B. Toškan)



  • Lecture for postgraduate students (subject: Archaeology of the Metal Ages) »Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Necropolis at Dvorišče SAZU in Ljubljana. New potentials in the research of the prehistoric cemeteries« at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology
  • Online lecture »Na obronkih Ljubljanskega barja. Ljubljana v pozni bronasti in zgodnji železni dobi«, Društvo Fran Govekar Ig



  • Poster presentation »Red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in funerary practices and rituals. Some remarks on the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age graves from Slovenia« at the international conference »7th PZAF Postgraduate ZooArchaeology Forum«, Palermo, 27.-29.6.2018 (with a co-author B. Toškan)
  • Poster presentation »Olle – oval pots with a short everted rim from the cemeteries at Frattesina (IT) and Ljubljana (SI). The same shape yet different use within the funerary practices?« at the international conference »Frattesina cinquant'anni dopo. Il Delta del Po tra Europa e Mediterraneo nei secoli attorno al 1000 a.C.«, Rovigo, 13.-15.4.2018



Lecture »First cremation burials in south-eastern Alpine region. A short reflection« at the international conference »Late Bronze Age mortuary practices and society in the Carpathian Basin«, Zagreb, 9.-10.2.2017



  • Lecture »L'usage rituel des chiens et des loups au Bronze récent et a l'âge du Fer dans les Alpes orientales (Slovénie). Nouvelles données issues des études archéo(zoo)logiques et de l'analyse des isotopes stables« at the international conference »L'animal et l'homme. 141e congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques«, Rouen, 11.-16.4.2016
  • Lecture »O povezavah med jugovzhodno alpskim prostorom in severno Karpatsko kotlino v času pozne bronaste dobe. Keramična perspektiva« at the Institute of archaeology, Zagreb
  • Lecture »Intercultural contacts and their impact on the burial customs. The ceramic perspective from the South-Eastern Alpine Region and Northern Carpathian Basin« at the »XIV. mezinárodní konference Doba popelnicových polí a doba halštatská«, Kutná Hora, 4.-7.10.2016
  • Lecture »Il ferro: dalle armi agli oggetti d'ornamento. Sui collegamenti tra l'Italia meridionale e l'area alpina sud-orientale nel Bronzo Finale e Primo Ferro« at the international conference »LI Riunione scientifica Italia tra Mediterraneo ed Europa: mobilità, interazioni e scambi«, Forlì, 12.-15.10.2016 (with a co-author M. Kunstelj)
  • Lecture »(In)visible traces of the exogamous mobility in Late Bronze Age? Interpreting urnfield cemeteries« at the international conference »22nd Annual Meeting of the EAA«, Vilnius, 31.8.-4.9.2016
  • Lecture »Burial rites between the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the cemetery of Ljubljana, Slovenia« at the international conference »Let the dead speak for the living. Late Bronze and Early Iron Age burials in Southeast Europe - theoretical perspectives in Balkan archaeology«, OREA, Vienna, 30.11-2.12.2016



  • Lecture for the doctoral candidates »Intercultural contacts between the south-eastern Alpine region and the western Carpathian area in the second half of the 2nd millenium BC« at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology, Free University Berlin
  • Lecture for postgraduate students (subject: Archaeology of the Metal Ages) »New insides of the Bronze Age in the central Slovenia – a case study of the urnfield necropolis at Ljubljana« at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology
  • Lecture »Iron makes the world go round. Female adornment in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in the South-eastern Alpine region« at the conference »Être et paraître en Europe. Identité et parures féminines aux âges du Bronze et du Fer. To be and to be seen in Europe. Identity and female adornment in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age«, Université libre de Bruxelles, 17.-19.9.2015
  • Lecture »Un confronto delle "facies" dell'età del Bronzo Finale in Italia e Slovenia« at the international conference »Facies e culture nell’età del Bronzo italiana?«, Academia Belgica, Rome, 3.-4.12.2015



Lecture »Comparative analysis of the urnfield necropolis from Ljubljana (Slovenia), Korošci/St. Barbara and San Vito al Tagliamento (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy) in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age (Bronzo finale-Primo Ferro)« at the international conference »Preistoria e protostoria del Caput Adriae. XLIX Riunione Scientifica, dell'Istituto di Preistoria e Protostoria«, Udine/Pordenone, 8.-12.10.2014

PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2022−2027) (research programme • January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027)
PROGRAMME: Archaeological research (2015−2021) (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)