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Stična. Železnodobna naselbinska keramika / Iron Age Settlement Pottery.

Author: Lucija Grahek
Year: 2016

Cvinger near Vir pri Stični is considered one of the most important Iron Age center in the southeastern alpine region. Its importance reflects not only in the size and location in the area, but also in the economic power of the population, which can be seen from the rich artefacts found at Stična necropolises. Until now it was published about Stična a number of scientific papers, articles and monographs, mostly dealing with finds from the graves. They were also presented the results of settlement excavations with international participation in the years 1967 to 1974, but without a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the pottery. It is now dedicated to this book, divided into three parts.
The first part provides a revision of settlement stratigraphic and chronological sequence, which allows connection between the often elusive settlement and fortification phases and their mostly ceramic material.
The second part of the core of the debate, it is an analytical study of ceramics (method of manufacture, shape, decoration), concludes, however, with a view to the cultural development of the village and chronological frame, as it outlines the ceramic material.
The third part is the catalogue of a representative sample of the presented finds.
22 appendices show cross sections of the tranches with complexes of finds marked.

Table of content

Predgovor / Preface

1. Uvod / Introduction / Stratigraphy of the complexes of finds

2. Stratigrafija najdbnih kompleksov

  • 2.1 Sonde na jugozahodnem obodu naselja / Trenches in the rampart’s south-western section
  • 2.2 Sonde na jugovzhodu naselja / Trenches in the rampart’s south-eastern section
  • 2.3 Sondi na zahodnem delu / Trenches in the rampart’s western section
  • 2.4 Sondi na vzhodnem delu / Trenches in the rampart’s eastern section
  • 2.5 Sonde na severnem delu / Trenches in the rampart’s northern section
  • 2.6 Sonde na prečnem nasipu / Trenches on the crosswall
  • 2.7 Sonda 11 na severozahodni terasi / Trench 11 on the north-west terrace

3. Keramične najdbe iz naselja v Stični / Ceramic finds from the Stična hillfort

  • 3.1 Splošni oris / General description
  • 3.2 Ohranjenost najdb / Fragmentation of ceramic finds
  • 3.3 Način izdelave in tehnološke značilnosti keramike / Shaping technique and technological characteristics
  • 3.4 Tipološka razvrstitev keramike / Typology of ceramic finds
    • 3.4.1 Pitosi (Pi) / Pithoi (Pi)
    • 3.4.2 Lonci (L) / Jars (L)
    • 3.4.3 Lonci s stožčastim vratom (Lsv) / Jars with a conical neck (Lsv
    • 3.4.4 Buče (B) / Globular jars (B)
    • 3.4.5 Ciboriji (C) / Footed bowls (C)
    • 3.4.6 Vrči (V) / Jugs (V)
    • 3.4.7 Glinenke (G) / Flasks (G)
    • 3.4.8 Pokali (P) / Goblets (P)
    • 3.4.9 Lončki (Lo) / Beakers (Lo)
    • 3.4.10 Ročke (Ro) / Pitchers (Ro)
    • 3.4.11 Latvice (La) / Dishes with an inturned rim (La)
    • 3.4.12 Skodele in sklede (Sk) / Bowls and dishes (Sk)
    • 3.4.13 Posebne oblike posodja (pos. obl.) / Other vessel forms (pos. obl.)
    • 3.4.14 Pokrovi (Po) / Lids (Po)
    • 3.4.15. Dna (d) / Bases (d)
    • 3.4.16 Noge (n) / Feet (n)
    • 3.4.17 Pekve (Pe) / Baking lids (Pe)
    • 3.4.18 Pladnji (Pl) / Platters (Pl)
    • 3.4.19 Prenosne pečke (Pp) in ognjiščne rešetke (Or) / Portable ovens (Pp) and gridirons (Or)
    • 3.4.20 Ognjiščne koze (Ok) / Firedogs (Ok)
    • 3.4.21 Svitki (S) / Ceramic rings (S)
    • 3.4.22 Uteži (U) / Weights (U)
    • 3.4.23 Vretenca (Vr) in črepinjske ploščic (Čp) / Spindle whorls (Vr) and sherd whorls (Čp)
    • 3.4.24 Motki (M) in šobe (Š) / Bobbins (M) and nozzles (Š)
  • 3.5 Analiza okrasa / Decoration
    • 3.5.1 Plastični okras / Plastic decoration
    • 3.5.2 Vrezani okrasi / Incised decoration
    • 3.5.3 Vtisnjeni okrasi / Impressed decoration
    • 3.5.4 Gubanje in fasetiranje / Indenting and facetting
    • 3.5.5 Barvni okras / Painted decoration
  • 3.6 Kronološka podoba Stične z vidika naselbinske keramike / Chronology of Stična as revealed by settlement ceramics
    • 3.6.1 Keramika halštatskih stopenj Stične / Pottery of Stična’s Hallstatt phases
    • 3.6.2 Keramika latenskih stopenj Stične / Pottery of Stična’s La Tène phase
    • 3.6.3 Rimska keramika / Roman pottery

4. Primerjava keramike iz Stične z drugimi naselji dolenjske skupine / Comparison with the ceramic assemblage from other settlements of the Dolenjska group

5. Sklep / Conclusion

6. Katalog / Catalogue

7. Literatura / Bibliography

8. Table / Plates

Priloge / Appendices

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KERAMIKA STIČNE; Demokracija 29.12.2016

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61.00 €

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archaeological finds
Iron Age


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