TIP − Tradition and innovation in prehistory
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Lucija Grahek, PhD-
Original Title
TIP − Tradicija in inovativnost v prazgodovini
Project Team
dr. Matija Črešnar , dr. Teja Gerbec , Lucija Grahek, PhD, , dr. Dimitrij Mlekuž , dr. Branko Mušič , Dunja Salecki , dr. Ljubinka Teržan-
Project ID
N6-0004 (B)
1 February 2011–31 January 2014 -
Project Leader
In the framework of our project the research was divided in two main directions, which allowed us to acquire a wide range of new data. One was the study and publication of the archaeological material from important archaeological sites, excavated in the past, but not published yet, but also newly excavated archaeological sites, which were up until now unpublished. We have published the results in articles and proceedings as well as presented them on scientific conferences. We would like to emphasize especially the important new data on chronology, settlement dynamics and the understanding of cultural landscape today and in the past. The other was the introduction of modern technological tools, which were until recently rarely used in the framework of Slovenian archaeological field research. That is why our investigation was oriented to the introduction, use and development of new non-invasive methods for the detection and further investigation of archaeological remains as are LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and a range of diverse geophysical methods. Systematic ground-truthing of research results with archaeological excavations has shown, that we are dealing with excellent complementary methods, which open new possibilities for specific archaeological investigations. The results of our research is even more important, as we were cooperating with the Centre for preventive archaeology of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia and thus our research results were directly implemented in praxis. Besides that new methods and procedures are being thought to the students of the Department of Archaeology (Faculty of Art, University of Ljubljana) and from other Universities, who had their field work with us.