Inventory, analysis and evaluation of the primary and secondary sources of Slovene researchers on the old faith in the region of Soča river
Original Title
Popis, analiza in ovrednotenje primarnih in sekundarnih virov slovenskih raziskovalcev o 'Posoškem staroverstvu'
Project Team
Prof Andrej Pleterski, PhD, , dr. Katja Hrobat Virloget , Matjaž Bizjak, PhD, dr. Matjaž Bizjak-
Project ID
1 November 2019–31 October 2021 -
Project Leader
Financial Source
Uniersity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities
When the Danes destroyed the Svetovid's shrine in Arkona in 1168 with fire and axes and baptized all the people of the Rugians in a few days, the last part of the Slavs lost the old faith of their ancestors. At least this seemed to be true, until a few years ago when objects and texts came to the public, a testimony of the existence of an organized pre-Christian belief in the Posočje region in the middle of the 20th century. Its members were organized as "a state in the state" with their own legal and executive authority. This made the scientific public aware of the need to change our view on the roots of our cultural, social and political past. The project focus is the preparation of a multidisciplinary study, which lists, analyses and evaluates the primary and available secondary sources of Slovenian researchers on "the old faith in the Soča river region".
One-eyed guardian (Medvešček, Iz nevidne strani neba, 2019, Fig. 106)
Project team
The project manager Anja Ragolič (ZRC SAZU) will take care of the project management and study the possible ancient components as a substrate of the Posočje religion.
Miha Mihelič (ZRC SAZU) will carry out field topographic work, compile an inventory of primary sources and examine possible prehistoric components as a substrate for t'he old faith in the region of Soča river'
Matjaž Bizjak (ZRC SAZU) will investigate the settlement history of 'the old faith in the region of Soča river'
Katja Hrobat Virloget (FHS) will conduct the necessary ethnological and cultural anthropological research
Cirila Toplak (FDV) will carry out appropriate analyses of the social and organizational-political system
Andrej Pleterski (ZRC SAZU) will show structural comparisons with the system of Old Slavic belief.
1st − 18th month
Ethnological and archeological fieldwork, inventory of primary resources, collection of secondary resources.
19th − 21st month
Compilation of synthetic review by individual chapters: prehistory, antiquity, early Middle Ages, settlement history, ethnology, political science. Complementary field research.
22nd − 24th month
Merging and unification of individual chapters into a comprehensive multidisciplinary study that will synthetically represent the life view of the old faith in the region of Soča river, their community, and address the basic concepts of their beliefs. In doing so, the study will provide the starting point for protecting the ingredients of the mythical landscape.
- Babič, S., M, Belak (eds.), Staroverstvo med religijo in znanostjo. − Studia Mythologica Slavica – Supplementa, Supplementum 17, 2022.
- Pleterski, A., Mitična pokrajina. Preizkusi njenega obstoja z napovednima modeloma na primeru Bleda / A mythical landscape. Tests of its existence with predictive models for the Bled case. − In: Štular, B. (ed.), Srednjeveški Blejski otok v arheoloških virih / Medieval archaeology of Bled Island, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 42, 2020, 235−277.
- Hrobat Virgolet, K., Pasti etnografskega raziskovanja in primerjava gradiva starovercev. − In: M. Hren (ed.), Pozno pokristjanjevanje slovenskega ozemlja III. Zbornik prispevkov, Notranje Gorice 2020, 103−111.
- Hrobat Virloget, K., O aktivni in pasivni vlogi stroke ter javnosti pri ustvarjanju nesnovne dediščine: primer mitskega parka in starovercev. − In: Svetel, A., Petrović Leš, T. (ed.), Nesnovna dediščina med prakso in registri: 15. vzporednice med slovensko in hrvaško etnologijo, (Knjižnica Glasnika Slovenskega etnološkega društva, 53). Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo; Zagreb: Hrvaško etnološko društvo. 2019, str. 26-45.
- Pleterski, Andrej, Beseda o delu
- Pavel Medvešček, Prvi osnutek poznejše knjige Iz nevidne strani neba, 2006 [first draft of the book from 2006].
- Prepisi pogovorov Pavla Medveščka - Klančarja z Antonom (Tonetom) Kukom - Javorjem med letoma 1965 in 1968 [Transcripts of conversations between 1965 and 1968]
- Samotar Jerin. Prepisi pogovorov Pavla Medveščka - Klančarja z Jerinom leta 1968 [Loner Jerin. Transcripts of conversations from 1968]. (All the texts presented here are published on pages 215−222 in a book Iz nevidne strani neba.)