Intentions and Meaning: A comparative view of Late Antique Hilltop sites in Europe
September 22, 2021 at 09:00 to September 24, 2021 at 17:00
Narodni muzej Slovenije – Metelkova, Ljubljana
Organizer: Narodni muzej Slovenije, The Leibniz Ins tute for History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO)
Intentions and Meaning: A compara ve view of Late An que Hilltop sites in Europe
The position of Tonovcov grad in the gorge behind Kobarid, above the Soča river
The workshop is the opening event of the scien fic accompanying program of the planned interna onal exhibi on on Late An que Hilltop se lements in Europe. It will deal with the origin, type and dura on of se lement and the significance of these sites. Ques ons concerning the defini on of hilltop se lements and the poli cal, social and economic condi ons that led to their emergence are par cularly relevant. How can we define this type of se lement? What are the characteris c topographical and architectural elements of hilltop se lements? Who decided and was responsible for their planning, construc on and financing?
These issues have fuelled research discussions from the beginning and are part of the overarching ques ons that the workshop addresses. In par cular, it is important to cri cally evaluate the models that have prevailed in the past, which depend, among other things, on the data available. The comparison of na onal research tradi ons is also relevant, as is the analysis of the influence of such interpre ve approaches. Following a regional division of the papers from Western Europe over the Alps to Balkan Peninsula, we will determine the temporal and spa al scale of the se lements and discuss compara ve perspec ves for further research.