Archaeological 3D Documentation in Practice
September 26, 2012 at 09:00 to September 26, 2012 at 15:00
Dvorana zemljepisnega muzeja (Gosposka 16, Ljubljana)
Archaeological 3D Documentation in Practice.
Photogrammetry, Scanning and Modeling
When: 26th September 2012
Where: Dvorana zemljepisnega muzeja, Gosposka ul. 16, Ljubljana
These lectures will provide an overview of 3D documentation technologies currently in use in archaeology, with an emphasis on photogrammetric modeling. Practical issues of data capture, processing and analysis will be discussed and the problems of disseminating and publishing these data will be outlined. The content is at an introductory level, aimed at archaeologists considering using these techniques in their work, or wishing to better understand 3D modeling technologies in general.
Lecturers: Benjamin Štular and Rachel Opitz from the Institute of Archaeology and Rok Klasinc (Tica Sistem d.o.o.)
Lectures will be in English and Slovene.
Introduction to 3D data capture technologies [Rachel Opitz]
Photogrammetric workflows in archaeology [Rachel Opitz]
Comparative metrics, analysis and dissemination strategies for 3D models [Rachel Opitz]
Excavation Photogrammetry Case Study (Fotogrametrija na arheoloških izkopavanjih) [Rok Klasinc]
Fotogrametrija artefaktov (Object Photogrammetry Case Study) [Benjamin Štular]
This Workshop will provide hands-on experience in the basic steps of a photogrammetric modeling project. Please email iza@zrc-sazu.si.by 20 September 2012 to request a place in the workshop session. Places are limited and will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.
A laptop with Photoscan installed will be needed. (Download from: http://www.agisoft.ru/products/photoscan/standard).
13:00-15:00 (first group); 15:30-17:30 (second group)
Practical Photogrammetry Workshop
- How to take photos for photogrammetric modeling
- Procesiranje modelov s programom Photoscan (Model processing in Photoscan)
- Model cleaning and Simplification in Meshlab
- Web Resource Preparation
The workshop will be in English.