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Current research: Solčavsko

Palynology: Research equipment | Reference collections | Links | Long-term environmental changes

Current research: Solčavsko

The upper valley of the Savinja river is very important region to study environmental and economic history of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries AD. Historical archives are well preserved whereas natural conditions for agricultural colonisation in the area were very limiting. This research aims to compare both (historical and palaeoecological) lines of evidence to investigate changes of past environment and human adaptations to changing surroundings. Palaeoecological archives will help us to better understand also older time periods for which historical data is not available.

Covnikovo barje is a smaller peat bog, located at ca. 1000 m a.s.l., in vicinity of Pavličevo pass, near Slovenian-Austrian border. In the summer 2011, 150 cm deep peat profile was collected to study vegetation history. Preliminary results of pollen analysis suggest that human impact on the forest composition and landscape in the last 1000 years was significant (agriculture, grazing, forest clearance and burning).


Zwitter, Ž. 2010. Vpliv 'male ledene dobe' na agrarno poselitev na ozemlju današnje Slovenije: na primeru izbranih območij v Zgornji Savinjski dolini, diplomsko delo, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani.

Bela krajina | Ljubljansko barje | Archaeological sites in Ljubljana | Julian Alps | Dinarids | Čičarija and Čepićko polje (Croatia) | Tatarli Höyük (Turkey)