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Zalog pri Verdu. Tabor kamenodobnih lovcev na zahodnem robu Ljubljanskega barja.
Zalog near Verd. Stone Age hunters' camp at the western edge of the Ljubljansko barje.

Edited by: Andrej Gaspari
Year: 2006

The Ljubljanica River with its tributaries has witnessed no less than a quarter of a century of organised underwater research. The latter has shown that the archaeological complex there unquestionably ranks among the most interesting ones in Slovenia with the finds from the beds and banks of the waterways speaking of nearby settlements, cemeteries, forts, control points or places of cult.
These, together with various types of river vessels and other traces of water exploitation, improve in many ways the knowledge of the phenomenon that is the Ljubljansko barje as a cultural landscape as well as its specific dynamics closely related to the natural changes in the environment from the early periods of the prehistory onwards.

Table of content

Predgovor / Preface

1. Podvodne arheološke raziskave struge Ljubije v Zalogu pri Verdu. Odkritje, metodologija raziskav in geomorfološke značilnosti najdišča / Underwater archaeological research in the bed of the Ljubija stream at Zalog near Verd. Discovery, research methodology and geomorphologic characteristics of the site (Andrej GASPARI, Mira ERIČ)

2. Geološki in pedološki pregled sedimentov iz jedrnikov / Geological and pedological analysis of sediments from core samples (Tomaž VERBIČ)

3. Paleobotanične raziskave sedimentov / Palaeobotanic research of the sediments (Metka CULIBERG)

4. Kamnita orodja / Stone tools (Boris KAVUR)

5. Petrološka sestava in provenienca kamnitih artefaktov – I. / Petrologic composition and provenance of stone artefacts – I. (Aleksander HORVAT)

6. Artefakti iz kosti in jelenovih rogovij / Artefacts of bone and red deer antler (Andrej GASPARI)

7. Antropološka analiza lobanje / Anthropological analysis of the cranium (Zdravka HINCAK, Marija ŠTEFANČIČ)

8. Veliki sesalci / Large mammals (Borut TOŠKAN, Janez DIRJEC)

9. Ostanki ptic / Bird remains (Franc JANŽEKOVIČ, Vesna MALEZ)

10. Ostanki rib / Fish remains (Marijan GOVEDIČ)

11. Zalog pri Verdu. Bazni tabor lovcev na obrežju jezera? / Zalog near Verd. Hunters’ base camp on the shores of a lake? (Andrej GASPARI, Boris KAVUR)

12. Bronastodobne najdbe iz potoka Ljubija pri Verdu / Bronze Age finds from the Ljubija Stream near Verd (Andrej GASPARI)

13. Literatura / Literature

14. Seznam avtorjev / List of authors


archaeological finds
archaeological sites
collective volume
Ljubljansko barje
prehistoric archaeological remains
Stone Age
Zalog pri Verdu


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