In the collected papers the results of the research on hilltop settlement Spaha above Brezovica pri Predgradu are introduced. The site was excavated by Greta Hirschbäck-Merhar during the years 1979 and 1984. Spaha was settled in the period of Sava group, Lasinja culture, horizon of pottery with furrowed incisions, and probably also in the period of Urnfield culture. In the 16th century on the top of Spaha a watchtower was erected, from which the local community was being informed about the arrivals of plundering hordes of Turks. The reasons for the settling the top of the hill are searched in the appearance of first copper ore prospectors in this part of Europe and in the vicinity of deposits of raw material used for querns which were most probably used by agriculture communities of nearby Bela krajina. In the monograph are presented the relative and absolute chronologies of the Neolithic and earlier Eneolithic period of continental Slovenia.
Table of content
Spremna beseda in zahvala / Preface and acknowledgements
1. Koliščarska naselbina Stare gmajne in njen čas / Stare gmajne pile-dwelling settlement and its era (Anton VELUŠČEK)
2. Sedimentološka metoda ugotavljanja paleookoljskih razmer na Ljubljanskem barju, primer Starih gmajn / Sedimentological method for determination of palaeoenvironmental conditions> at the Ljubljansko barje, the case of Stare gmajne (Janez TURK & Aleksander HORVAT)
3. Koliščarska naselbina Stare gmajne pri Verdu / Stare gmajne pile-dwelling settlement near Verd (Anton VELUŠČEK)
4. Sedimentološka analiza profila z najdišča Blatna Brezovica / Sedimentological analysis of the profile from the site Blatna Brezovica (Janez TURK & Aleksander HORVAT)
6. Predhodne arheološke in dendrokronološke raziskave na koliščarski naselbini Veliki Otavnik Ib pri Bistri / Preliminary archaeological and dendrochronological researches at the pile-dwelling settlement Veliki Otavnik Ib near Bistra (Andrej GASPARI, Katarina ČUFAR, Miran E RIČ & Tjaša TOLAR)
7. Dendrokronološke raziskave na koliščarskih naselbinah Stare gmajne in Blatna Brezovica / Dendrochronological research at the pile-dwelling settlements Stare gmajne and Blatna Brezovica (Katarina ČUFAR, Anton VELUŠČEK, Tjaša TOLAR & Bernd KROMER)
8. Prazgodovinsko leseno kolo z osjo s kolišča Stare gmajne na Ljubljanskem barju / Prehistoric wooden wheel with an axle from the pile-dwelling Stare gmajne at the Lljubljansko barje (Anton VELUŠČEK, Katarina ČUFAR & Martin ZUPANČIČ)
9. Drevaka s koliščarske naselbine Stare gmajne na Ljubljanskem barju / Logboats from the pile-dwelling settlement Stare gmajne at the Ljubljansko barje (Anton VELUŠČEK, Dejan VERANIČ & Katarina ČUFAR)
10. Novoodkrite lesene najdbe s Starih gmajn pri Verdu / Newly discovered wooden finds from Stare gmajne near Verd (Tjaša TOLAR & Martin ZUPANČIČ)
11. Analize površja talilnih posod s Starih gmajn na Ljubljanskem barju / nalyses of surface of crucibles from Stare gmajne at the Ljubljansko barje (Zoran MILIĆ & Anton VELUŠČEK)
12. Izmenjava in oskrbovalne strategije na Ljubljanskem barju v 4. tisočletju pr. Kr. na podlagi arheometričnih raziskav kamnitih orodij / Scambi e strategie di approvvigionamento nel Ljubljansko barje del iv millennio a.c. dedotti dallo studio archeometrico di manufatti in pietra (Federico BERNARDINI, E manuela MONTAGNARI KOKELJ, Gabriella DEMARCHI & Antonio ALBERTI)
13. Petrološka sestava in izvor kamnitih najdb z najdišč Stare gmajne in Blatna Brezovica / Petrologic composition and origin of stone finds from the sites Stare gmajne and Blatna Brezovica (Janez TURK)
14. Artefakti iz kosti, rogovij in zob z bakrenodobnih kolišč Stare gmajne in Blatna Brezovica / Bone, antler and teeth artefacts from the copper age pile-dwellings Stare gmajne and Blatna Brezovica (Borut TOŠKAN)
15. Raziskave in konserviranje preje z Ljubljanskega barja / Analysis and conservation of the Ljubljansko barje yarn (Gojka PAJAGIČ BREGAR, Anton VELUŠČEK, Tjaša TOLAR, Matija STRLIČ, Vili BUKOŠEK, Jana KOLAR & Igor RAVBAR)
16. Literatura / References (uredil / edeted by Anton VELUŠČEK)