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Mali grad. Visokosrednjeveški grad v Kamniku / High Medieval Castle in Kamnik.

Author: Benjamin Štular
Year: 2009

The in depth archaeological research of High Medieval castle presented in this book is unique in Slovenia and among just few in this part of Central Europe. The book is based on analysis of the archaeological data gathered in more than a decade of archaeological excavations in 1980s and 1990s.

In the introductory chapter written sources and interpretative models are presented. The analysis of pictorial representations follows. The focus of the research is on the archaeological sources, though. Above all the analysis of the small finds, stratigraphy and spatial analysis of the castle itself and the castle in the landscape should be mentioned.

The re-released interactive book titled On the Fringes of Empire. Archaeology of the Medieval Castle Stein on Southern Border of the Holy Roman Empire was published in 2014 an an iBook.

Table of content

  • Zahvala / Acknowledgements
  • 1. Uvod / Introduction
  • 2. Pisni viri / Written sources
  • 3. Slikovni viri / Historical pictorial representations
  • 4. Arheološki izvid / Archaeological findingg
  • 5. Kovinski predmeti / Metal objects
  • 6. Lončenina / Pottery
  • 7. Živalske kosti in koščeni izdelki / Animal bones and bone fragments
  • 8. Interpretacija arheoloških virov / Interpretation of archaeological sources
  • 9. Razprava o življenju na malograjskem griču / Life on the Mali Grad Hill: a Discussion
  • 10. Literatura / Bibliography
  • 11. Katalog / Catalogue
  • 12. Table / Tables
  • 13. Priloge / Appendices


archaeological excavations
archaeological finds
archaeological research
High Middle Ages
Mali grad
Middle Ages


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