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Halštatske nekropole Dolenjske
Die hallstattzeitlichen Nekropolen in Dolenjsko

Author: Janez Dular
Year: 2003

This publication presents fifty-four Hallstatt necropolises from central Slovenia, which are crucial to the course of researching the settlement and social structures of the Early Iron Age. Topographic sources are proffered as well as all the excavated materials, among which are also unique specimens.

The book is divided into three parts. The first section extends a review of the history of excavations of Hallstatt tumuli, from the very onset and all through to WWI. It is a comprehensive study of the history of archaeology in Slovenia, posing the development of museology, the heritage protection profession and the professional and scientific efforts of the then investigators. Numerous illustrations of yet unpublished documents, preserved mainly in foreign museums and archives, are incorporated in the text.

The second section is dedicated to the issue of chronology and the cultural- historical evaluation of Hallstatt necropolises in the Dolenjska region, which regarding their richness easily compare with the most important of necropolises in neighboring countries. It is precisely the tumulus necropolises from the Dolenjska region that form the foundations for the concept of the southeastern Alpine Hallstatt culture, which during the first millennium BC represented one of the most developed cultures in Europe.

The third part of the book presents the necropolises equipped with a detailed description of each site, a concise history of investigations and a catalogue of the excavated materials, all published in the plates.

Table of content

Predgovor / Vorwort

Zgodovina raziskovanj železnodobnih nekropol na Dolenjskem / Geschichte der Erforschungen eisenzeitlicher Nekropolen in Dolenjsko

Pregled izkopavanj / Übersicht über die Ausgrabungen

lzkopavalci železnodobnih nekropol na Dolenjskem / Ausgräber der eisenzeitlichen Nekropolen in Dolenjsko

O metodi izkopavanj in zanesljivosti grobnih celot / Zu Grabungsmethode und Zuverlässigkeit der Grabeinheiten

  • Sacknova navodila / SackensAnweisungen
  • Način kopanja / Grabungsmethode
  • Prepoznavnost grobov in gomilnih struktur / Erkennen der Gräber und der Grabhügelstrukturen
  • Dokumentacija / Dokumentation
  • O zanesljivosti grobnih celot / Zur Zuverlässigkeit der Grabeinheiten

Kronologija dolenjske halštatske skupine / Chronologie der hallstattzeitliehen Gruppe von Dolenjsko

  • Začetek železne dobe v osrednji Sloveniji / Beginn der Eisenzeit in Zentralslowenien
  • Stopnja Podzemelj / Stufe Podzemelj
  • Stopnja Stčna / Stufe Stična
  • Stopnja kačaste fibule / Schlangenfibel-Stufe
  • Stopnja certoške fibule / Certosafibel-Stufe
  • Stopnja negovske čelade / Negauer-Helm-Stufe

Grobišča / Die Gräberfelder

Topografsko območje Ljubljana / Topographisches Gebiet Ljubljana

Topografsko območje Novo mesto / Topographisches Gebiet Novo mesto

Topografsko območje Krško / Topographisches Gebiet Krško

Topografsko območje Trbovlje / Topographisches Gebiet Trbovlje

Table 1-92 / Tafeln 1-92


Detajlno kazalo / Detailed contents

More ...

Majnarić Pandžić Nives, J. Dular: Halštatske nekropole Dolenjske (Opera Inst. Arch. Slov. 6, Lj. 2003), Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 20/2003, 2003, 165-166.


archaeological excavations
archaeological finds
archaeological sites
Hallstatt Age


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