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Space and time rainfall isotopic composition reconstruction around the Mediterranean Sea using speleothems, tree rings and lakes sediments - Instrumental calibration and comparison with isotopic model simulations


The project aims to investigate the Holocene climatic fluctuations around the Mediterranean Sea using three palaeoclimate archives: speleothems, tree rings and lake sediments. The following Slovenian researchers are taking part in the project: Dr. Tom Levanič (Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, dendroclimatology), Dr. Najda Zupan Hajna (Inštitut za raziskovanje Krasa, ZRC SAZU, Karst studies) in Dr. Maja Andrič (Inštitut za arheologijo, ZRC SAZU, palynology).

In spring 2012 samples from all three archives were collected. Researchers of the Institute of archaeology, ZRC SAZU, took part in coring Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj, which was led by Dr.Ulrich von Grafenstein, and will be responsible for pollen analysis of these sedimentary cores.

A detailed palynological analysis of the two cores was conducted in the sequel.

Research Project