The Roman conquest beyond Aquileia
(II-I century BC)
Basic information
November 10, 2021 at 09:00 to November 11, 2021 at 18:00
France Prešeren theatre, Bagnoli della Rosandra - Boljunec 507, San Dorligo della Valle - Občina Dolina (Trieste)
Organizer: ICTP - International Centre for Theoretical Physics Societá Alpina delle Giulie
Conference The Roman conquest beyond Aquileia will be held on 10th November 2021 from 9 AM to 16.30 PM in France Prešeren theatre, Bagnoli della Rosandra - Boljunec 507, San Dorligo della Valle - Občina Dolina (Trieste).
Programme of the conference (pdf)
11th November: the vist of military sites in Trieste area and the exhibition "Beyond Aquileia, The Roman conquest of the Karst" in Speleological Scientific Museum of Grotta Gigante, Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/A, Sgonico-Zgonik (TS).
Roman military fortification from the 2nd-1st century BC on San Rocco. Excavations 2021..