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Archaeological excavation at hilltop settlement in Burgbichl near Irschen

Basic information

July 12, 2021 at 07:00 to August 1, 2021 at 17:00
Burgbichl near Irschen
Organizer: University of Innsbruck

In July and early August, as part of the IRSCHEN project, an archaeological excavation of the late antique hilltop fortified settlement of Burgbichl near Irschen is being organized by the University of Innsbruck and led by Assoc. prof. Gerald Grabhher, PhD and Barbara Kainrath, PhD.

During the excavation, there is also an international student camp, where students develop the skills of field work, documentation and field processing. Two students from Slovenia, organized by ZRC SAZU, attend the camp.


Burgbichl, defence wall (photo A. Iršič)

The team publishes news on the website: