A call for the position of PhD student
PALYNOLOGICAL RESEARCH AT ZRC SAZU: A call for the position of PhD student will be published in the first half of June 2018.
Research topic: Palaeoecological research in the Julian Alps
Project aims to investigate the Holocene vegetation development and human impact in various archaeological time periods in the mountain areas of Julian Alps (Slovenia) to better understand the reasons for environmental changes (climatic fluctuations and human impact on the environment). PhD student will analyse pollen record of sedimentary cores from alpine lakes in the area of Triglav National Park (TNP) and reconstruct vegetation history in the last 12.000 years. More detailed plan of this multidisciplinary research will be elaborated after the interview with the candidate, on the basis of submitted disposition of doctoral thesis, his/her research interests and basic education*. Students, holding a diploma from the following fields of research: biology, geology, archaeology, geo/chemistry and physical geography, are invited to apply. Non-Slovenian citizens are also eligible to apply, but need to provide more documents, e.g. a confirmation that diploma achieved abroad is acknowledged in Slovenia, and conversion of marks (for more info contact tanja.valte@zrc-sazu.si).
PhD student will be part of dynamic research team of the Institute of Archaeology ZRC SAZU. He/she needs to be prepared to attend a few days of fieldwork (physically exhausting coring), several weeks of laboratory work (including work with dangerous chemicals) and, most of all, be able to persevere and sit at the microscope for long hours to identify pollen grains. Research in TNP is multidisciplinary and is being carried out in cooperation with geologists from the University of Ljubljana (NTF, prof. A. Šmuc) and French partners (dr. P. Sabatier, EDYTEM, Chambery) – visits of PhD student in Chambery are planned.
Supervisor: dr. Maja Andrič, ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana,
e-mail: maja.andric@zrc-sazu.si,
tel.: + 386 1 47 06 434, GSM: 051 637 344,
home page: https://iza2.zrc-sazu.si/en/sodelavci/maja-andric-en#v
The call will be presumably published in the first half of June 2018 at ZRC SAZU web page (https://www.zrc-sazu.si). [For last year’s (2017) call (in Slovenian), see: https://www.zrc-sazu.si/sl/novice/javni-razpis-za-kandidate-za-mlade-raziskovalce-mz-v-letu-2017-0.]
For more information about the date and terms please contact administration of ZRC SAZU: Ms. Tanja Valte, tanja.valte@zrc-sazu.si, + 386 1 47 06 413.
In addition to documentation required in the call, published on ZRC SAZU web page, PhD candidates are expected to send also:
- Curriculum vitae
- *Short disposition of doctoral thesis (ca. 1̶ 2 pages, < 1500 words)
- An example of text (e.g. research paper or undergraduate thesis of the candidate)
- Contact details (address, e-mail, telephone) of two researchers/professors who can recommend your work, recommendation letters can be enclosed
Selected PhD student will presumably start on the 1st of October 2018. This is position for 4 years, Slovenian salary class 30 (i.e. ca. 1000 EUR/month).