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Viktorjev spodmol in Mala Triglavca. Prispevki k poznavanju mezolitskega obdobja v Sloveniji.
Viktorjev spodmol and Mala Triglavca. Contributions to understanding the Mesolithic period in Slovenia.

Edited by: Ivan Turk
Year: 2004

The monograph, the first regarding the Mesolithic in Slovenia, presents a discussion of two exceptionally rich sites in the Karst in western Slovenia: Viktorjev spodmol and Mala Triglavca. Viktorjev spodmol is a newly discovered site, where test excavation have only been done, while research is underway at Mala Triglavca already a while.

The compilation primarily presents a detailed review of Viktorjev spodmol. Individual chapters address the topic of microlithic tools attributed to the Sauveterrien-Castelovien complex, their typology and relations with other sites from this complex, and with a special emphasis on the chronology and chronological correlations between Mesolithic sites in northern Italy, including the Trieste karst, and western Slovenia. The remaining chapters systematically present rare vegetal remains, the exceptionally rich collections of mollusc's fauna, ectothermic vertebrates and small mammals as well as the remains of large mammals.

Mala Triglavca is equally profuse, although it is discussed only summarily in this monograph, and with an emphasis on Mesolithic artefacts. From among these finds, the numerous trapezes are particularly noteworthy, and from among the more rare finds at least the bone whistle and flute. Also noteworthy are the rare human remains discovered at both sites.

Table of content

1. del / Part 1: Viktorjev spodmol

  • Uvod / Introduction (Ivan Turk)
  • Kratka zgodovina raziskav mezolitika v Sloveniji / Brief histroy of research of the Mesolithic in Slovenia (Ivan Turk)
  • Topografija Vikorjevega spodmola / Topography of Viktorjev spodmol (Ivan Turk)
  • Metodologija arheološkega dela / Methodology of the archaeological work (Ivan Turk)
  • Stratigrafija in sedimentologija Vikorjevega spodmola / Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Vikorjev spodmol (Ivan Turk)
  • Različne arheološke metode − različni rezultati pri raziskavah Vikorjevega spodmola / Different archaeological methods − different results in investigation of Vikorjev spodmol (Ivan Turk)
  • Razlaga orodnih tipov in armatur ter postopkov pri izdelavi orodij in armatur, nadenih v Vikorjevem spodmolu / Interpretation of types of tool and armature and technology of productrion of tools and armatures found in Vikorjev spodmol (Ivan Turk, Matija Turk)
  • Primerjave mezolitskih najdb v Viktorjevem spodmolu z izbranimi najdišči / Comparison of Mesolithic finds in Vikorjev spodmol with selected sites (Ivan Turk)
  • Opredelitev najdb iz Viktorjevega spodmola / Classification of Vikorjev spodmol (Ivan Turk)
  • Vprašanje izvora in nadaljevanje slovenskega mezolitika / The question of origin and continuation of Slovene Mesolithic (Ivan Turk)
  • Najdbe keramike / Finds of pottery (Ivan Turk, Anton Velušček)
  • Makroskopski rastlinski ostanki / Plant macroscopic-remains (Metka Culiberg)
  • Holocenski kopenski in sladkovodni polži (Gastropoda v Viktorjevem spodmolu / Holocene land and freshwater molluscs (Gastropoda) in Viktorjev spodmol (Rajko Slapnik)
    Dodatek: Morski polži in školjke v Viktorjevem spodmolu / Appendix: Marine gastropods and bivalves in Viktorjev spodmol (Vasja Mikuž)
  • Ostanki ektotermnih vretenčarjev v Viktorjevem spodmolu / Remains of ectothermic vertebrates in Viktorjev spodmol (Maja Paunović ♰)
  • Ostanki malih sesalcev v Viktorjevem spodmolu / Small mammals in Viktorjev spodmol (Borut Toškan, Boris Kryštufek)
  • Ostanki velikih sesalcev v Viktorjevem spodmolu / Remains of large mammals in Viktorjev spodmol (Borut Toškan, Janez Dirjec)
  • Človeški ostanki v Viktorjevem spodmolu / Human remains in Viktorjev spodmol (Iztok Štamfelj, Ivan Turk)
  • Namesto sklepa / Instead of conclusion (Ivan Turk)

2. del / Part 2: Mala Triglavca

  • Uvod / Introduction (Ivan Turk)
  • Arheološke najdbe / Archaeological remains ( Matija Turk, Ivan Turk)
  • Malakofavna / Malacofauna (Vasja Mikuž, Ivan Turk)
  • Uvod / Introduction (Ivan Turk)
  • Ostanki ekotermnih vretenčarjev / Remains of ecothermic vertebrates (Borut Toškan, Janez Dirjec, Ivan Turk)
  • Sesalska fauna / Mammalian fauna (Ivan Turk)

3. del / Part 3: Sklep / Conclusion (Ivan Turk)

4. del / Part 4: Literatura / Bibliograšhy (Ivan Turk)

Dodatek 1 / Appendix 1
Identifikacija dveh človeških mlečnih sekalcev iz arheoloških najdoišč Mala Triglavca in Viktorjev spodmol / Identification of two human milk incisors from the archaeological sites Mala Triglavca and Viktorjev spodmol (Iztok Štamfelj, Erika Cvetko, Maja Bitenc Ovsenik, Dominik Gašperšič)

Dodatek 2 / Appendix 2
14C datacije Viktorjevega spodmola in Male Triglavce / 14C dating of Viktorjev spodmol and Mala Triglavca (Ivan Turk)

Table / Plates


archaeological finds
archaeological sites
karst caves
Middle Stone Age


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