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Rimsko steklo Slovenije
The Roman Glass of Slovenia

Author: Irena Lazar
Year: 2003

The monograph Roman Glass of Slovenia, differs only in minor details from the doctoral dissertation of the author. The first part is dedicated to the typological and chronological presentation of the Roman glass (1st–5th cent.) from the territory of modern Slovenia; the second one is a presentation and review of local glass production in the Roman period on Slovene territory.

The introduction represents the terminology that is used and glass making techinques, along with results of the most resent research. The products are first classified into three major groups based on the techique of manufacture (vessels made in a mould, mould-blown vessels, free-blown vessels). The material is further classified into ten groups of vessels according to their use. The dating of individual forms was wherever possible determined on the basis of grave units and other dated contexts from Slovenian sites.

Local glass industry existed in Roman period on the territory of modern Slovenia from the 2nd century onwards and lasted, as proved by the finds from Celeia and Poetovio, through the 2nd and 3rd century. The most extensive discoveries are known from Poetovio, where the proofs of glass production are known from different parts of the town (Hajdina, Rabelčja vas, Panorama).

The remains of six glass furnaces and glass waste prove the existence of glass production and enable the reconstruction of the appearance of the glass furnaces. Judging from the remains of the glass products, the furnaces in Ptuj must have operated in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.

Parallel bilingual Slovene-English edition.

Table of content

Predgovor / Preface

  • Prazgodovinsko steklo v Sloveniji / Prehistoric glass in Slovenia
  • Pregled raziskav rimskega stekla v Sloveniji / A review of research into Roman glass in Slovenia

Tipologija, kronoilogija in katalog rimskega stekla v Sloveniji / Tpology, chronology and catalogue of the Roman glass in Slovenia

  • Terminologija / Terminology
  • Oblikovanje skupin steklenih izdelkov / Groups of glass products according to form
  • Obrazložitev kataloga in legenda / Explanation of the catalogue and cptions

Izdelki, uliti v kalup / Cast products

  • Opis tehnike / Description of teh technique
  • Pregled oblik / Review of forms

Izdelki, pihani v kalup / Mould-blown products

  • Opis tehnike / Description of teh technique
  • Pregled oblik / Review of forms

Prosto pihani izdelki / Free-blown products

  • Opis tehnike / Description of teh technique
  • Pregled oblik / Review of forms

Proizvodnja rimskega stekla v Sloveniji / The production of Roman glass in Slovenia

  • Steklo in njegove lastnosti / Glass and its qualities
  • Sledovi rimskih steklarskih obratov v Celju, Ljubljani in Kranju / Remains of Roman glass production centers in Celje, Ljubljana and Kranj
    • Steklarske peči na Ptuju / The glass-working furnaces in Ptuj
    • Rekonstrukcija steklarskih peči / Reconstruction of the furnances
    • Steklarski odpadki ob peči / Glass waste from the furnaces

Katalog / Catalogue

Zaključek / Conclusion

Literatura / Bibliography

Table / Plates

More ...

Perko Verena, Irena Lazar: Rimsko steklo Slovenije, 2003, Arheološki vestnik 55, 2004, 593-595.

Mikl Curk Iva, Ocena: Irena Lazar, Rimsko steklo v Sloveniji, Ljubljana 2003, Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje 75, nova vrsta 40, 2-3 zv., 2004, 741-743

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antique glass
archaeological finds
material culture
Roman glass


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