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Poznoantična utrjena naselbina Tonovcov grad pri Kobaridu. Najdbe.
Late Antique fortified settlement Tonovcov grad near Kobarid. Finds.

Authors: Tina Milavec, Zvezdana Modrijan
Year: 2011

All finds from the field investigations at Tonovcov grad near Kobarid are published in the second volume. An exceptional number of finds represents the base for studies of the material culture in Late Antiquity (metallic finds, glass finds, pottery finds), as well as for the others archaeological (anthropological and zoological) remains.

<< Poznoantična utrjena naselbina Tonovcov grad pri Kobaridu. Naselbinski ostanki in interpretacija / Late Antique fortified settlement Tonovcov grad near Kobarid. Settlement remains and interpretation.

Table of content

  • Predgovor / Foreword (Zvezdana MODRIJAN, Tina MILAVEC)
  • 1. Uvod / Introduction (Zvezdana MODRIJAN)
  • 2. Kovinske najdbe / Metal finds (Tina MILAVEC)
  • 3. Steklene najdbe / Glass finds (Tina MILAVEC)
  • 4. Keramika / Pottery (Zvezdana MODRIJAN)
  • 5. Novčne najdbe / Coin finds (Peter KOS)
  • 6. Prazgodovinske najdbe s Tonovcovega gradu in železnodobna kultna mesta v Posočju / Prehistoric finds from Tonovcov grad and iron age cult places in the Posoečje area (Dragan BOŽIČ)
  • 7. Antropološka analiza poznoantičnih skeletov / Anthropological analysis of the skeletons (Petra LEBEN SELJAK)
  • 8. Sesalska makrofavna / Mammalian macrofauna (Borut TOŠKAN, Janez DIRJEC)
  • 9. Kratke ugotovitve o ptičjih ostankih / Short considerations on the bird remains (Francesco BOSCHIN)
  • 10. Rezultati mikroskopske analize grobe keramike / Results of microscopic compositional analysis on coarse-ware ceramics (K. Patrick FAZIOLI)
  • 11. Katalog / Catalogue (Zvezdana MODRIJAN, Tina MILAVEC)
  • Table / Plates
  • Seznam avtorjev / List of contributors


archaeological finds
archaeological sites
Late Antiquity
Tonovcov grad


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