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Poetovio: römische Grabdenkmäler

Author: Anja Ragolič
Year: 2023

In the introductory chapters, the geographical location of the later colony of Poetovio is briefly presented, which received the official name Colonia Ulpia Traiana Poetovio with the arrival of the Romans. In the following sub-chapters, the author briefly presents the arguments for demarcating the ancient city territory, indicates the location of burial grounds and presents which military units are attested in the city and its hinterland, and what the names reveal to us about the population in the city and the countryside. The introductory part concludes with a presentation of epigraphic research in the Poetovio area.

The central part of the book presents 455 tombstones, which are divided into two sets: the first part (Cat. no. 1 −239) presents the tombstones of the narrower urban area of Poetovio, while in the second part (Cat. no. 240-455) tombstones from the territory of Poetovio (ager) are described. Each monument has key information about its find, preservation, description, and material, basic literature, a transcription of the inscription with translation, and a commentary are attributed. The description is accompanied by a photograph, and if the stone is lost, the photograph has been replaced by a drawing or a photograph from the epigraphic corpus.

In the concluding part of the monograph, indexes are listed, in which the names, administrative functions of individuals, collegia, military units, voting districts, geographical names, and keywords of inscriptions and depictions are collected. The work concludes with an extensive list of references.

Table of content


  • Die Lage von Poetovio
  • Das Gebiet von Poetovio vor der römischen Besatzung
  • Colonia Ulpia Traiana Poetovio
  • Das Stadtterritorium von Poetovio
  • Die Gräberfelder von Poetovio
  • Das Heer auf den Grabdenkmälern von Poetovio
  • Grabdenkmäler der in Poetovio stationierten Legionär
  • Grabdenkmäler der Soldaten und Veteranen anderer Legionen und Einheiten
  • Die Bevölkerung auf den Grabdenkmälern von Poetovio
  • Die epigraphische Erforschung des Gebietes von Poetovio


  • Engeres Stadtgebiet von Poetovio
  • Das Territorium von Poetovio



  • Eigennamen römischer Ordnung/Nomina
  • Namen nach peregrinem Formular und Cognomina
  • Administratives Persona
    • Kaiserliche Verwaltung
    • Organe der städtischen Selbstverwaltung
    • Collegia
  • Das römische Heer
    • Stadtrömische Truppen
    • Legionen
    • Auxiliarformationen
    • Dienstgrade (ohne Angabe der Truppe)
    • Militärisches Büro
  • Tribus
  • Geographisches
    • Orts- und Provinznamen
    • Völkernamen
  • Wörterverzeichnis
  • Grammatische Besonderheiten und Verschreibungen
  • Sonstiges
  • Reliefdarstellungen
  • Ortsverzeichnis
  • Quellenkonkordanz

Regular price
39.00 €

for sale in the bookshop Azil

military units
Poetovio (Slovenia)
Roman tombstones
Upper Pannonia


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