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Moustérienska »koščena piščal« in druge najdbe iz Divjih bab I v Sloveniji
Mousterian “Bone Flute” and Other Finds from Divje Babe I Cave Site in Slovenia

Edited by: Ivan Turk
Year: 1997

The most topical Middle Paleolithic site in Slovenia is presented in full and discussed in detail in this series. The Divje Babe I cave site became famous for the archaeological discovery of what current investigations indicate could be the oldest flute, made of the bone of a cave bear, yet discovered. The principal part of the compilation is dedicated to a typological, technological, acoustic and musicological discussion of the remarkable find. Individual chapters present the stratigraphy, chronology, fauna and flora from the site, in addition to the Paleolithic material finds (however, only up to the layer including the bone flute). The book incorporates the first abridged and summarized determinations from the current archaeological excavations, which are not yet concluded. In addition to the editor, who is also the author and coauthor of the majority of chapters, the following individuals also provided contributions to the series: G. Bastiani, M. Culiberg, J. Dirjec, B. Kavur, B. Kryštufek, T.-L. Ku, D. Kunej, D. E. Nelson, M. Omrzel-Terlep and A. Šercelj.

Table of content

  • Predgovor urednika / Editor’s preface (Slovene)
  • 1. Uvod / Introduction (Ivan Turk)
  • 2. Stratigrafija in diageneza usedlin / Stratigraphy and diagenesis of sediments (Ivan Turk)
  • 3. Analiza usedlin / Analysis of sediments (Ivan Turk & Janez Dirjec)
  • 4. Radiokarbonske datacije kosti in oglja iz Divjih bab I D. Erle Nelson. Datiranje kostnih vzorcev iz jame Divje babe I z uranovim nizom (Dodatek) / Radiocarbon dating of bone and charcoal from Divje babe I Cave D. Erle Nelson. Uranium series dating of bone samples from Divje babe I cave (Appendix) (Teh-Lung Ku)
  • 5. Kronologija / Chronology (Ivan Turk)
  • 6. Paleobotanične raziskave v jami Divje babe I / Palaeobotanic research of the Divje babe I cave (Metka Culiberg & Alojz Šercelj)
  • 7. Mali sesalci (Insectivora, Chiroptera, Rodentia) / Small mammals (Insectivora, Chiroptera, Rodentia) (Boris Kryštufek)
  • 8. Taksonomski in tafonomski pregled sesalske makrofavne / Taxonomic and taphonomic review of the mammal macrofauna (Ivan Turk & Janez Dirjec)
  • 9. Tafonomija dolgih cevastih kosti okončin jamskega medveda / Taphonomy of limb bones of cave bear (Ivan Turk & Janez Dirjec)
  • 10. Pregled in opis paleolitskih orodij in kurišč / Review and description of palaeolithic tools and hearths (Ivan Turk & Boris Kavur)
  • 11. Opis in razlaga nastanka domnevne koščene piščali / Description and interpretation of the origin of a presumed bone flute (Ivan Turk, Janez Dirjec & Boris Kavur). Izsledki poizkusov izdelave koščene piščali z uporabo kamnitih orodij (Dodatek) / Results from the experimental manufacture of a bone flute with stone tools (Appendix) (Giuliano Bastiani & Ivan Turk)
  • 12. Paleolitske koščene piščali - primerjalno gradivo / Palaeolithic bone flutes - comparable material (Ivan Turk & Boris Kavur)
  • 13. Akustične ugotovitve na podlagi rekonstrukcije domnevne koščene piščali / Acoustic results on the basis of the reconstruction of a presumed bone flute (Drago Kunej)
  • 14. Tipologija koščenih žvižgavk, piščali in flavt ter domnevna paleolitska pihala Slovenije / Typology of bone whistles, pipes and flutes and presumed palaeolithic wind blowing instruments of Slovenia (Mira Omerzel-Terlep)
  • 15. Literatura / Bibliography

    More ...

    Mihael Bregant, Mousterienska koščena piščal/ Musterian bone flute, Mladina 3/2002 (21.1.2002)


    bone flutes
    cave archaelogy
    dating techniques
    Divje babe I
    Early Stone Age


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