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Drobci ledenodobnega okolja. Zbornik ob življenjskem jubileju Ivana Turka.
Fragments of Ice Age Environments. Proceedings in honour of Ivan Turk's jubilee.

Edited by: Borut Toškan
Year: 2011

The monograph Drobci ledenodobnega okolja (“Fragments of Ice Age environments”) presents a compilation of seventeen chapters in which experts from different scientific fields discuss specific topics related to the Ice Age in Europe. Ten of them are devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of palaeontological data concerning various large mammal species ranging from mastodon and mammoth to the cave hyena, ibex, cave lion and bears, with the emphasis being placed on the cave bear. Several chapters address the topic of Last Glacial climatic conditions in the Southeastern Alps by studying fossil micromammal and palaeobotanical remains as well as geoarchaeologiocal data. A special article is devoted to a comprehensive review of previous analysis of the bone flute from Divje babe I, but includes also new musicological research findings on the extraordinary technical capabilities of this oldest musical instrument. The concluding chapter presents a study of old manuscripts and printed sources, providing some interesting insights into the discovery of one of the most significant palaeontological sites in Slovenia - the cave of Mokriška jama.
The monograph is dedicated to the anniversary of the prominent researcher of the Slovenian Palaeolithic - Ivan Turk. His work, main achievements and selected bibliography are briefly presented in the introductory chapter.

Table of content

  • Spoštovanemu kolegu dr. Ivanu Turku ob jubileju / To our dear colleague Dr Ivan Turk on his jubilee (Anton VELUŠČEK)
  • Izbrana bibliografija Ivana Turka / Selected bibliography of Ivan Turk (Anton VELUŠČEK)
  • Najdba mastodonta iz Kicarja blizu Ptuja / The mastodon find from Kicar near Ptuj (Vasja MIKUŽ, Jernej PAVŠIČ)
  • Fosilni in subfosilni ostanki vrste Capra ibex, L. iz najdišča Salzofenhöhle (Zgornja Avstrija) in z vzhodnoalpskega prostora / Fossil and subfossil remains of Capra ibex, L. from Salzofenhöhle (Upper Austria) and the Eastern Alpine region (Martina PACHER)
  • Ostanki mamutovega okla iz prodne jame Kamnica pri Drnovem v Krški kotlini / The mammoth tusk remains from the Kamnica gravel pit near Drnovo in the Krka river basin (Jernej PAVŠIČ, Vasja MIKUŽ)
  • Lobanja in postkranialni ostanki mlajšepleistocenskega leva Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss 1810) iz jame Sloup na Moravskem krasu / Late Pleistocene lion Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss 1810) skull and other postcranial remains from the Sloup Cave in the Moravian Karst, Czech Republic (Češka republika) (Cajus G. DIEDRICH)
  • Mlajšepleistocenska hijena Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) iz jame Baranica (jugovzhodna Srbija): tekmovanje za brlog / Late Pleistocene hyaena Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) from Baranica Cave (southeast Serbia): competition for a den site (Vesna DIMITRIJEVIĆ)
  • Spol in velikost krapinskih jamskih medvedov / Sex and size of the Krapina cave bears (Preston T. MIRACLE)
  • Prehrana, fiziologija in okolje jamskega medveda: biogeokemična raziskava / Diet, physiology and environment of the cave bear: a biogeochemical study (Aurora GRANDAL-D’ANGLADE, Marta PÉREZ-RAMA, Daniel FERNÁNDEZ-MOSQUERA)
  • Statistična analiza metapodijev recentnih rjavih medvedov s poudarkom na razlikah med spoloma / Statistical analysis on metapodial bones of living brown bears regarding gender differences in males and females (Kerstin ATHEN)
  • Biologija današnjega rjavega medveda kot pripomoček za preučevanje jamskega medveda / Recent brown bear biology as a tool to study the cave bear (Đuro HUBER, Goran GUŽVICA)
  • Velike podnebne spremembe razkrite na podlagi malih fosilov. Nekdanje okolje na meji med zgodnjim in srednjim würmom v okolici Divjih bab I (Z Slovenija) / Big climatic changes revealed by tiny fossils. Palaeoenvironment at the boundary between the Early and Middle Würm in the surroundings of Divje babe I (W Slovenia) (Borut TOŠKAN, Janez DIRJEC)
  • Medved in sedimenti v Medvedji jami (Trst, Italija) / Bears and sediments at Caverna degli Orsi/Medvedja jama (Trieste, Italy) (Giovanni BOSCHIAN, Annamaria DE SANTIS)
  • Klimatostratigrafska umestitev sedimentov v zahodnem sektorju Potočke zijalke na podlagi rekonstrukcije snežnih razmer v času njihovega odlaganja / Climatostratigraphic classification of sediments in the western sector of Potočka zijalka, based on reconstruction of snow conditions at the time of their deposition (Janez TURK)
  • Paleobotanične raziskave v paleolitskih najdiščih v Sloveniji / Palaeobotanical research at Palaeolithic sites in Slovenia (Metka CULIBERG)
  • Poznoglacialna vegetacija v okolici Blejskega jezera in Gribelj (Bela krajina): primerjava v zadnjem stadialu poledenele in nepoledenele pokrajine / Lateglacial vegetation at Lake Bled and Griblje marsh (Slovenia): a comparison of (in Last Glacial Maximum) glaciated and non-glaciated landscapes (Maja ANDRIČ)
  • Neandertalska piščal iz Divjih bab I: stara in nova spoznanja / Neanderthal flute from Divje babe I: old and new findings (Matija TURK, Ljuben DIMKAROSKI)
  • O okostju jamskega medveda in lobanji divjega prašiča iz Mokriške jame / Cave bear skeleton and wild boar skull from the cave of Mokriška jama (Dragan BOŽIČ)
  • Seznam avtorjev / List of contributors


animal remains (archaelogy)
archaeological finds
archaeological research
collective volume
jubilee collective volume


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