CHARYSMA. Cultural Heritage & Arts for Rural Youth Socializing through digital Media & Archeology
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Zvezdana Modrijan, PhD-
Original Title
CHARYSMA Cultural Heritage & Arts for Rural Youth Socializing through digital Media & Archeology
Project Team
Project ID
1 September 2023–31 August 2025 -
Mednarodni projekt CHARYSMA -
Lead Partner
Verein zur Förderung von Kulturaustausch und Nachhaltigkeit in Europa (Gain&Sus…
Financial Source
Evropska komisija, Projekti
Verein zur Förderung von Kulturaustausch und Nachhaltigkeit in Europa (Gain&Sus…
Our main objectives are:
- to foster cooperation between public sector and youth field in order to promote common values, civic engagement and participation of young people in Austria and Slovenia
- to reinforce links youth participation in policy, research and practice by engaging young people from rural areas in Alps Adriatic Region to discover their common cultural heritage based on digital media and research in the field of archeology and contributing to achieve EU Youth Strategy 2021-2027
A1:Project management &Youth participation: 23 partner meetings via online channels involving youth representatives to always steer the project activities towards their needs.
A2:12 online workshops/20 pax each (4 in 2023, 4 in 2024, 4 in 2025) & 2 CHARYSMA CAMPS (07/24 & 07/25) in Irschen/Carinthia with a duration of 14 days & 24 participants each 2 digital publications in 3 languages: "Successfactors for youth participation"&"Value of Cultural Heritage for Youth & EU Youth Goals`achievement"
Excavation in Burgbichl near Irschen
- 12 online workshops with 20 participants each (10 from SI, 10 AT) successfully implemented & materials recorded & made accessible for free for at least 5 years through an online platform in English
- 2 CHARYSMA CAMPS in AT (duration of 14 days) with 24 participants each successfully implemented and documented
- 2 publications in German, Slovenian and English digitally distributed to over 300 key-stakeholders, youth workers & decision makers
- increased youth participation & involvement in EU in rural areas