- Arkas is the most important database of archaeological sites in Slovenia, currently being supplemented with new finds. It comprises four subject areas: the first defines the sites according to place, content and length of time protected, the second the level of research work and protection, the third the sources of information, and the fourth the selected documentation kept by the Institute of Archaeology
- Articles in Arheološki vestnik (Acta Archaeologica) is a database, containing headings of the articles and book reviews, published in Arheološki vestnik. The search engine permits searching within the authors, numbers and years, the results contain the titles as well and can be resorted.
- Articles in Studia Mythologica Slavica is a database, containing headings of the articles and book reviews, published in Studia Mythologica Slavica. The search engine permits searching within the authors, numbers and years, the results contain the titles as well and can be resorted.
- Libera Libera is a database incorporating primarily archaeological literature. It encompasses the time ranging from the 5/6th century till the 10/11th century in the region of Europe, the Near East and North Africa. The problematics are concentrated on the Slavs. It consists only of publications in the library of the Institute of Archaeology (Scientific Research Center at the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The records also include keywords. The database is intended only as a starting point for researching particular problems.
- Ptuj is a database, consisting of various archaeological sites in Ptuj and its near surrounding...
- Zbiva Zbiva is an archaeological database for eastern Alps and its surrounding regions in the early Middle Ages. According to the area, it covers the sites in Slovenia, Austria,on the NW Croatian coast, and in the NE regions in Italy, which are sometimes compared to sporadic sites from the neighbouring areas and previous era.
- Sites database
- Graves database
- Objects (goods) database
Contact: Sneža Tecco Hvala
Contact: Mateja Belak
Contact: Mateja Belak
Contact: dr. Andrej Pleterski in Mateja Belak
Contact: dr. Jana Horvat in Andreja Dolenc
It consists of three large parts (which together form a concise unit):
Contact: Mateja Belak