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Hočevarica. Eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju / An eneolithic pile dwelling in the Ljubljansko barje.

Edited by: Anton Velušček
Year: 2004

The monograph presents the entire course of archaeological and dendrochronological investigations of two pile dwelling cycles at the Hočevarica site in the Ljubjansko barje, which occurred approximately in the 37th and the first half of the 36th century BC.
In addition to artefacts from Hočevarica (A. Velušček), the results from paleobotanical investigations (M. Jeraj), a classification of the material from a necklace ring (D. Skaberne and A. Mladenovič), analyses of metallurgic instruments (Ž. Šmit) as well as organic remains of mammals (B. Toškan and J. Dirjec), fish (M. Govedič, J. Pavšič and J. Dirjec) and birds (F. Janžekovič and V. Malez) are also presented.

Chapters concerning pottery remains (A. Velušček) are in the continuation. As such, the comparative pottery analyses from sites in central and eastern Slovenia provide the premise for defining the horizon of pottery with furrowed incisions, which is chronologically attributed to the second quarter of the 4th millennium BC on the basis of results from dendrochronological investigations and radiocarbon dating (K. Čufar, A. Velušček, B. Kromer and N. Martinelli). The dendrochronologically determined almost contemporaneity of the pile dwelling sites of Hočevarica in the Ljubljansko barje and Palù di Livenza in northern Italy is revealed (K. Čufar and N. Martinelli).
The determination that the first peak of local metallurgic activity and exploitation of local sources of raw materials in the southeastern Alpine area coincide with the Hočevarica period is also of some significance (A. Velušček).


Studies on pile-dwelling inhabitation problems in Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae

  • Resnikov prekop. Najstarejša koliščarska naselbina na Ljubljanskem barju / The oldest pile-dwelling settlement in the Ljubljansko barje
  • Koliščarska naselbina Stare gmajne in njen čas. Ljubljansko barje v 2. polovici 4. tisočletja pr. Kr. / Stare gmajne Pile-dwelling Settlement and Its Era. The Ljubljansko barje in the 2nd half of the 4th millennium BC

Table of content

Spremna beseda in zahvala / Preface and Acknowledgments

1 Uvod / Introduction (Anton VELUŠČEK)

2 Geografski oris osrednje Slovenije s podatki o neolitskih-eneolitskih arheoloških najdiščih / Geographic description of central Slovenia including data regarding Neolithic-Eneolithic

archaeological sites (Anton VELUŠČEK)

  • 2.1 Geografski oris / Geographic description
  • 2.2 Neolitska-eneolitska arheološka najdišča v osrednji Sloveniji / Neolithic-Eneolithic archaeological sites in central Slovenia

3 Hočevarica: terenske raziskave, predstavitev najdb in naravoslovne analize / Hočevarica: field research, a presentation of the material finds and the scientific analyses

  • 3.1 Terenske raziskave, stratigrafija in najdbe / Field research, stratigraphy and the material finds (Anton VELUŠČEK)
  • 3.2 Paleobotanične raziskave na kolišču Hočevarica / Paleobotanical analyses of the Hočevarica pile dwelling (Marjeta JERAJ)
  • 3.3 Opredelitev materiala ogrličnega obročka s Hočevarice / Determination of necklace ringlets material from Hočevarica (Dragomir SKABERNE & Ana MLADENOVIČ)
  • 3.4 Preiskava eneolitskih metalurških sledov s Hočevarice z metodo PIXE / Investigation of copper metallurgy at Hočevarica using the PIXE method (Žiga ŠMIT)
  • 3.5 Analiza sestave dveh sekir iz Ljubljanice pri Hočevarici / Analysis of the composition of two axes from the Ljubljanica near Hočevarica (Zoran MILIĆ)
  • 3.6 Antropološka analiza zob z najdišča Hočevarica / Anthropological analysis of teeth from the Hočevarica site (Petra LEBEN-SELJAK)
  • 3.7 Hočevarica – analiza ostankov makrofavne / Hočevarica – an analysis of macrofauna remains (Borut TOŠKAN & Janez DIRJEC)
  • 3.8 Ribe na arheološkem najdišču Hočevarica / Fishes from the archaeological site at Hočevarica (Marijan GOVEDIČ)
  • 3.9 Morski skat na Ljubljanskem barju / Sea ray in the Ljubljansko barje (Jernej PAVŠIČ & Janez DIRJEC)
  • 3.10 Ptiči (Aves) na eneolitskem kolišču Hočevarica / Birds (Aves) at the Eneolithic pile dwelling at Hočevarica (Franc Janžekovič & Vesna MALEZ)

4 Hočevarica: keramične najdbe / Hočevarica: pottery (Anton VELUŠČEK)

  • 4.1 Katalog keramičnih najdb iz sonde / Catalogue of the pottery from the trench
  • 4.2 Tipologija keramičnega gradiva / Typology of pottery remains

5 Hočevarica: ovrednotenje podatkov / Hočevarica: data evaluation (Anton VELUŠČEK)

  • 5.1 Analiza stratigrafske razporeditve najdb / Analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of finds
  • 5.2 Sorodne naselbine na Ljubljanskem barju / Related settlements in the Ljubljansko barje
  • 5.3 Hočevarica in horizont keramike z brazdastim vrezom (HKBV) v osrednji Sloveniji in sosednjih pokrajinah / Hočevarica and the pottery with furrowed incisions horizon (HKBV) in central Slovenia and neighboring regions

6 Hočevarica: absolutno datiranje / Hočevarica: absolute dating

  • 6.1 Dendrokronologija in dendrokronološke raziskave v Sloveniji / Dendrochronology and dendrochronological investigations in Slovenia (Katarina ČUFAR & Anton VELUŠČEK)
  • 6.2 Dendrokronološke raziskave na koliščarski naselbini Hočevarica / Dendrochronological research of the Hočevarica pile dwelling settlement (Katarina ČUFAR & Anton VELUŠČEK)
  • 6.3 Radiokarbonsko datiranje kronologij širin branik s Hočevarice / Radiocarbon dating of tree-ring chronologies from Hočevarica (Katarina ČUFAR & Bernd KROMER)
  • 6.4 Telekonekcija kronologij z naselbin Hočevarica in Palù di Livenza, Italija / Teleconnection of chronologies from Hočevarica and Palù di Livenza, Italy (Katarina ČUFAR & Nicoletta MARTINELLI)
  • 6.5 Interpretacija rezultatov absolutnega datiranja Hočevarice in absolutno datiranje horizonta keramike z brazdastim vrezom (HKBV) v Sloveniji / Interpretation of the results of absolute dating at Hočevarica and of the horizon of pottery with furrowed incisions (HKBV) in Slovenia (Anton VELUŠČEK)

7 Hočevarica in začetki uporabe bakra v Sloveniji / Hočevarica and the onset of copper use in Slovenia (Anton VELUŠČEK)

8 Zaključek / Conclusion (Anton VELUŠČEK)

9 Seznam literature / Literature (uredil / edeted by Anton VELUŠČEK)

10 Naslovi avtorjev / Authors’ addresses


archaeological finds
archaeological sites
Copper Age
Ljubljansko barje


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