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Long-term environmental changes: Guidelines for authors

Long-term environmental changes

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Guidelines for authors

Aims and Scope

Series 'Long-term environmental changes' offers the possibility to publish the results of investigations of past and present environment. Articles discussing long-term environmental changes in the area of the Republic of Slovenia (and wider) in the Pleistocene and Holocene (and older), ecological, geomorphological, sedimentological and chemical processes, nature protection, biodiversity, the formation of cultural landscape and human impact on the environment, are especially welcome. Series covers the following fields of research: palaeoecology and ecology (e.g. archaeozoology, archaeobotany, palynology, (palaeo)limnology,…), biology, nature protection, geology, geography, chemistry, archaeology, (palaeo)climatology,…

Manuscript submission

We accept (original or review) research papers, written in language, which is understandable also to researchers of other fields of research and more demanding lay readers. If submitted review research paper deals with already published data, but in this publication you would like to discuss it from a new, interdisciplinary point of view, it is desired to enclose also a copy of the original paper.

Papers are accepted all year around and we will strive to publish each paper no later than one year after it was submitted.

Author(s) should submit:

1. A cover letter stating that the paper was not published elsewhere and will be not sent to another periodical/monograph while in review at the ‘Long-term environmental changes’. You can suggest two reviewers and the editor will either accept your suggestion or make her own choice. You can also name a reviewer for whom you do not wish to review your paper. In this case, the editor will be discreet and inclined to accept your suggestion. The editor communicates only with the first (main) author of the paper, who represents all co-authors.

The manuscript should be sent to the editor:
Maja Andrič
Institute of Archaeology,
Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Novi trg 2
SI-1001 Ljubljana
phone: + 386 (0) 47 06 434

2. The manuscript should not be longer than 4500 words (without references), font size 11, double line spacing, pages numbered. File name: ‘Author_DSO.doc’ or ‘Author_et_al_DSO.doc’. It is recommended that the paper follows standard structure:
Introduction/Methods/Results/Discussion/Conclusions. The main text is written in Slovenian language, with Slovenian and English abstract (maximum 200 words) and translation, with six key-words. The title should be short and the manuscript should include the contact details of all authors. Footnotes are not recommended: if the information in the footnote is important, then it should be included in the main text, if it is not important, then if could be left out, but, if the problem is that this is important information, which will disturb and overload the main narrative and argumentation, making the text difficult to read, it can be presented in a table or figure. Please, avoid very specific scientific jargon and abbreviations, since paper will be read by experts from other fields of research. Complex terminology or methods can be explained in a separate ‘box’ (ca. 200-300 words).

All papers will be published in Slovenian language, with English translation of the entire text. Submitted paper can be written in Slovenian (if suggested reviewers are Slovenian scientists) or English language (for foreign (and Slovenian) reviewers). Since series ‘Long-term environmental changes’ does not have a special funding to cover the costs of translations and language checking, we will aim to attract sponsors. We will also ask you to help the translator with the translation of most difficult scientific terminology, and would be very grateful if you are in a position to acquire your own translation.


In text:
Surname and year in brackets: (Ogrinc et. el. 2005), (Toškan in Dirjec 2011), (Toškan and Dirjec 2011)

Reference list:
OGRINC N., G. FONTOLAN, J. FAGANELI in S. COLVELLI 2005, Carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of organic matter in coastal marine sediments (the Gulf of Trieste, N Adriatic Sea): indicators of sources and preservation, Marine Chemistry 95, 163–181.

TOŠKAN, B. in J. DIRJEC 2011, Velike podnebne spremembe razkrite na podlagi malih fosilov. Nekdanje okolje na meji med zgodnjim in srednjim würmom v okolici Divjih bab I (Z Slovenija). (Big climatic changes revealed by tiny fossils. Palaeoenvironment at the boundary between the early and middle würm in the surroundings of Divje babe I [W Slovenia]), V: B. Toškan (ur.), Drobci ledenodobnega okolja. Zbornik ob življenjskem jubileju Ivana Turka. (Fragments of ice age environments. Proceedings on honour of Ivan Turk's jubilee), Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 21, 155–179, Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo, Založba ZRC.

Please, do not use abbreviations for series and journal titles. Book and journal titles are in italic.

Tables and figures

The number of figures and tables is limited to 4-6 (only exceptionally, if needed, there can be more tables/figures). Please, send them (electronic and printed version) separately and don’t include them in the main text. File names: ‘Author_T_01’ or ‘Author_Fig_01’. Tables and graphs should be black and white, lines in the tables should not be thinner than 0.5 pt and not thicker than 1 pt, font size at least 6 pt. Raster graphics are accepted as TIFF and JPG (JPEG) files, vector graphics as EPS. Please, consult technical editor of the series Mateja Belak (


aster graphics: drawings (line art or black and white drawing) should be scanned with resolution at least 600 dpi (for the final size of the picture), greyscale: 300-350 dpi (175 lpi).
Vector graphics: Lines not thinner than 0.2 pt, letters not smaller than 5.5 pt. Greyscale intensification 20%. Symbols should be outlined (to avoid problems with fonts), end resolution 2540 dpi.

If you would like to publish figures/graphs for which copyright owner(s) in (are) not author(s) of the paper, the first (main) author needs to obtain permission to use the material.

